Page 287 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 287

CA Ravi Taori
         (CNO-BA.740) Reporting Systems
         Structured  Format:  There  should  be  proper  reporting  of  the  findings  of the  concurrent  auditors.  For  this
         purpose,  each  bank  should  prepare a  structured  format. The major deficiencies/ aberrations  noticed during
         audit should be highlighted in a special note and given immediately to the bank’s branch/controlling offices. A
         quarterly review containing important features brought out during the concurrent audits should be placed
         before the ACB.
         Treatment of Minor Vs Serious Irregularities: Minor irregularities pointed out by the concurrent auditors
         are to be rectified on the spot. Serious irregularities should be straightaway reported to the controlling offices/
         Head Offices for immediate action.
         Treatment for Frauds: Whenever fraudulent transactions are detected, they should immediately be reported to
         Inspection & Audit Department (Head Office) as also the Chief Vigilance Officer as well as Branch Managers
         concerned (unless the branch manager is involved).
         Branch wise Vs Zone wise: Concurrent auditors should be attached to the branches and not the zonal offices.
         Reporting to ACB Zone wise: There should be zone-wise reporting of the findings of the concurrent audit to
         ACB  (Audit  Committee  of  Board  of  Directors)  and  an  annual  appraisal/report  of  the  audit  system  should  be
         placed before the ACB.
         Follow-up  Action:  Follow-up  action  on  the  concurrent  audit  reports  should be  given high  priority  by  the
         controlling office/Inspection and Audit Department and rectification of the features done without any loss of

         (CNO-BA.760) Audit Committee
         Committee Formation: Banks must establish an Audit Committee of the Board (ACB) as per RBI guidelines.
         The  ACB  provides  direction  and  oversight  for  the  bank's  total  audit  function,  including  internal  and
         concurrent audits.  The  ACB reviews  the  quality  and  effectiveness  of the  internal  inspection/audit  function,
         with a focus on system follow-up.
         Auditor Management: The ACB reviews the system for appointing and remunerating concurrent auditors.
         Periodic Meetings: Regular meetings between the ACB and both concurrent and statutory auditors help the
         committee oversee the bank's total audit function.

                                                  Audit of NBFCs

         Case Study - CA Sachet
         Importance of NBFCs
         NBFCs  (Non-Banking  Financial  Companies)  play  a  crucial  role  in  India's  financial  system,  especially  in
         promoting  inclusive  growth.  They  cater  to  both  rural  and  urban  areas  and  are  particularly  important  for
         segments of society that cannot meet the stringent lending criteria of traditional banks.
         Services Offered
         NBFCs are involved in various sectors including housing finance, commercial vehicle financing, microfinance,
         and the MSME sector.
         Regulatory Framework
         NBFCs are strictly regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). They must obtain a certificate of registration
         to operate and adhere to various norms related to public deposits, capital adequacy, and risk exposure.
         Financial Reporting
         NBFCs are required to follow specific accounting standards (Ind-AS) and prepare their financial statements in
         accordance with Division III of Schedule III of the Companies Act, 2013.
         Scale-Based Regulations
         RBI has introduced "scale-based" regulations that classify NBFCs into four layers based on their size, activity,
         and riskiness: base layer, middle layer, upper layer, and top layer. The upper layer has enhanced regulatory                                                                                     14.31
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