Page 286 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 286

CA Ravi Taori
            for purchase and sale of foreign currency. Ensure that they are duly authorised, and necessary charges have
            been recovered.
         •  Foreign Bill Negotiation: Check foreign bills negotiated under letters of credit. (Exporter come to bank
            with all documents of export & letter of credit issued by foreign customer, on the basis of these documents
            exporter gets advance receipt, this is called foreign bill negotiation)
         •  Accounting  of  Remittances:  Check  whether  inward/outward  remittance  have  been properly  accounted
         •  Nostro Account
            o  Balance  within Limits:   Ensure  that  balances in Nostro accounts in different  foreign currencies  are
               within the limit as prescribed by the RBI.
            o  Reconciliation: Ensure verification/reconciliation of Nostro and Vostro account transactions/balances.
         •  Foreign Exchange Trading
            o  Dealing Room Operations: Ensure adherence to the guidelines issued by RBI/HO of the bank about
               dealing room operations.
            o  Reasonable Position: Ensure that the overbought/oversold position maintained in different currencies
               is reasonable taking into account the foreign exchange operations.
         House Keeping
         (Shortcut: RIP-CRR-SLR Maintenance)
         Reconciliation:  Early  reconciliation  of  outstanding  entries  in  inter-branch,  inter-bank,  and  various  special
         accounts like Suspense, Sundry Deposits, and Drafts Accounts.
         Income Debits: Verify that debits in income accounts are authorized by competent authorities.
         Percentage Checks: Carry out checks on calculations of interest, discount, commission, and exchange rates.
         Clearing Differences: Examine the day book for adjustments made for differences in clearing.
         Returned Instruments: Verify the register for returned cheques and bills, and investigate the reasons for their
         Revenue  Leakages:  Detect  and  prevent  revenue  leakages  through  close  examination  of  income  and
         expenditure accounts.
         Staff Accounts: Review transactions in staff accounts.
         Large Value Adjustments: Timely adjustment of large value entries.
         Remittances: Check the accuracy of inward and outward remittances, including Demand Drafts (DDs), Mail
         Transfers (MTs), and Telegraphic Transfers (TTs).
         Account  Maintenance:  Ensure  proper  maintenance  and  balancing  of  accounts,  ledgers,  and  registers,
         including clean cash.

         (CNO-BA.720) Appointment of Concurrent Auditors and Accountability
         Discretion – Own Staff Vs External Auditors: The option to consider whether concurrent audit should be
         done by bank’s own staff or external auditors is left to the discretion of individual banks.
         Own Officials: In case the bank has engaged its own officials, they should be experienced, well trained and
         sufficiently  senior.  The  staff  engaged  on  concurrent  audit  must  be  independent  of  the  branch  where
         concurrent audit is conducted.
         External Audit Firm
          •  Appointment: Appointment of an external audit firm may be initially for one year and extended up to
            three years - after which an auditor could be shifted to another branch subject to satisfactory performance.
          •  Removal: If external firms are appointed and any serious acts of omissions or commissions are noticed in
            their working their appointments may be cancelled and the fact may be reported to RBI & ICAI.

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