Page 288 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 288

CA Ravi Taori
         requirements, while the top layer remains empty unless specific systemic risks are identified.
         Auditor's Role
         The auditor of an NBFC has increased responsibilities due to various RBI directions. In addition to reporting
         to shareholders, the auditor must also make an additional report to the Board of Directors on specified matters.
         Audit Approach
         Given the regulatory complexities, the auditor needs to adapt their approach to take into account all the RBI
         directions and norms applicable to NBFCs.

         Definition of NBFC: 45 I(f) of Reserve Bank of India (Amendment) Act, 1997 defines a non-banking financial
         company as:
         ➢  Definition
         A Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC) is a company: -
                 Registered under the Companies Act, 2013,
                 It may receive deposits under any scheme or arrangement in one lump sum or in instalments.
                 Its  principal  business is lending,  investments  in various types  of shares  /stocks /bonds /debentures /
                 securities, leasing, hire-purchase, insurance business, chit business etc. and

         However,  a  Non-Banking  Financial  Company  does  not  include  any  institution  whose  principal  business  is
         agricultural activity, industrial activity, trading activity or sale/purchase/construction of immovable property.

         ➢  How to test whether principal business is finance?
            Further,  in  order  to  identify  a  particular  company  as  Non-Banking  Financial  Company  (NBFC),  it  will
            consider both assets and income pattern as evidenced from the last audited balance sheet of the company to
            decide  its  principal  business.  The  company  will  be  treated  as  NBFC  when  a  company's  financial  assets
            constitute  more  than  50  per  cent  of  the  total  assets  (netted  off  by  intangible  assets)  and  income  from
            financial assets constitute more than 50 per cent of the gross income. A company which fulfils both these
            criteria shall qualify as an NBFC and would require to be registered as NBFC by RBI.

         (CNO—NBFC.040) Registration and Regulation of NBFC:

                 Under Section 45–IA of the Reserve Bank of India (Amendment) Act, 1997, no non-banking financial
                 company  is  allowed  to  commence  or  carry  on  the  business  of  a  non-banking  financial  institution
                    •  obtaining a certificate of registration issued by the Reserve Bank of India.
                    •  having a net owned fund (NOF) of Rs 2 crore not exceeding Rs 100 crore, as the RBI may, by
                        notification in the Official Gazette, specify.
                    •  As  on  today  RBI  has  prescribed  Rs  2  crore  /  10  crore  for  different  categories  as  minimum

         (CNO—NBFC.060) Types of NBFCs- Compliance and Regulatory Perspective:

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