Page 293 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 293

CA Ravi Taori
                Unsecured portions of doubtful debts         100
                Loss assets                                  100

         Presentation of Provision for NPA:
         The provision towards standard assets need not be netted from gross advances but shall be shown separately as
         ‘Contingent Provisions against Standard Assets’ in the balance sheet.

         Registration with the RBI
         Section 45-IA inserted by the RBI Act, w.e.f. 9th January 1997, has made it incumbent on the part of all NBFCs
         to comply with registration requirements and have minimum net owned funds (NOF) of Rs 2 Crore.
         Ascertaining the Business of the company
                 From MOA / AOA
                 The first step in carrying out the audit of a NBFC is to scan through the Memorandum and Articles of
                 Association of the company, to acquaint oneself with the type of business that the company proposes to
                 engage itself in. The Memorandum of Association of any company would be very wide. Companies
                 generally lend to specialise in and focus on a few select activities.
                 From Business Policy
                 An  auditor  should  therefore  make  a  careful  study  of  the  business  policy  of  the  company  so  as  to
                 ascertain its principal business activities.

                 From Minutes
                 An auditor may also scan through the minutes of the Board/Committee Meetings and hold discussions
                 with the top-level management to ascertain the corporate business plan/strategy which would give him
                 a clear picture as to the principal objects of the company.
                 Independent Corroboration
                 An auditor should then independently corroborate his findings with the actual business done by the
                 company, as reflected by the company’s financial results.
         Evaluation of Internal Control System
                 Responsibility with Management
                 The  responsibility  of  maintaining  an  adequate  accounting  system  incorporating  various  internal
                 controls to the extent appropriate to the size and nature of its business vests with the management.
                 Sound system will prevent fraud & help in smooth decision making.
                 A  sound  internal  control  system  would  enable  an  organisation  to  plug  loopholes  in  its  workings,
                 particularly in the detection of frauds and would also aid in timely decision making.
                 Auditor should obtain understanding.
                 An  auditor  should  gain  an  understanding  of  the  accounting  system  and  related  internal  controls
                 adopted by the NBFC to determine the nature, timing and extent of his audit procedures.
                 Determine whether ICS is working effectively.
                 An auditor should also ascertain whether the internal controls put in place by the NBFC are adequate
                 and are being effectively followed.
         NBFC Public Deposit Directions
                 Board Resolution Regarding Deposits
                 In the case of NBFCs not accepting/holding public deposits, check whether a board resolution has been
                 passed by the NBFC to the effect that it has neither accepted any public deposits, nor would it accept
                 any public deposits during the year.1
                 Deposit Limit depends on Credit Rating
                 The ceiling on quantum of public deposits has been linked to its credit rating as given by an approved
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