Page 9 - Chapter 10 Registration
P. 9

CCP                                                                       Rajesh Dynamics is not liable to be registered in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, if his
           Rajesh Dynamics, having its head office in Chennai, carries on the following  aggregate turnover in a financial year does not exceeds ` 40 lakh. However, since
           activities with respective turnovers in a financial year:                       Rajesh Dynamics also makes taxable supplies from Manipur, a specified Special
            Particulars                                                        `           Category State, the threshold exemption gets reduced to ` 10 lakh in terms of section
            Supply of petrol at Chennai, Tamil Nadu                        18,00,000       22(1) [Notification No.10/2019-CT dated. 07.03.2019].
            Value of inward supplies on which tax is payable on reverse charge basis  9,00,000
                                                                                                  Rajesh Dynamics’ argument that it is not liable to registration since the
            Supply of transformer oil at Chennai                            2,00,000
                                                                                           threshold exemption of ` 40 lakh is not being crossed either at Chennai, Tamil Nadu,
            Value of branch transfer from Chennai to Bengaluru without payment
                                                                            1,50,000       Bengaluru, Karnataka or Manipur is not correct as firstly, the aggregate turnover to be
            of consideration
                                                                                           considered in its case is ` 10 lakh and not ` 40 lakh and secondly, the same is
            Value of taxable supplies at Manipur branch                     11,50,000
                                                                                           computed on all India basis and not Statewise.
           It argues that it does not have taxable turnover crossing threshold limit of           Further, Rajesh Dynamics is also wrong in believing that aggregate turnover

           ` 40,00,000 either at Chennai, Tamil Nadu or Bengaluru, Karnataka and including  is computed only for the purpose of determining the eligibility limit for composition
           turnover at Manipur branch. It believes that the determination of aggregate  levy since the aggregate turnover is required for determining the eligibility for both
           turnover is not required for the purpose of obtaining registration but is required  registration and composition levy.

           for determining composition levy.                                                      Further, Rajesh Dynamics is compulsorily required to register under section  Registration
           Decide based on the above facts:                                                24 irrespective of the turnover limit as it is liable to pay tax on inward supplies under
           (i) The aggregate turnover of Rajesh Dynamics.                                  reverse charge and it also makes inter-State taxable supply.
           (ii) All conditions that fulfil the requirements for registration under CGST Act,
           2017 in the given circumstances.[CA Final May 18 Old Syllabus][ICAI Material]
           Answer:- Computation of aggregate turnover of Rajesh Dynamics:                  In the month of April 2020, Z started supply of goods in his proprietary firm and
            Particulars                                                          `         also set up a one-man company named Z Ltd. He needs your assistance to work
            Supply of petrol at Chennai, Tamil Nadu                       18,00,000        out his aggregate turnover for the purpose of GST registration. The turnover
            [Being a non-taxable supply, it is an exempt supply and thus, includible in    details up to the month of July, 2020 are as under:
            aggregate turnover vide section 2(6)]                                           Sr. No.                   Particulars                      Amount in `
            Value of inward supplies on which tax is payable on reverse charge basis  Nil          Supplies of taxable goods of his firm
                                                                                              i                                                            31.50
            Supply of transformer oil at Chennai                           2,00,000
                                                                                              ii   Supplies of taxable goods to a 100% EOU of his          1.50
            Value of branch transfer from Chennai, Tamil Nadu to Bengaluru, Karnataka
            without payment of consideration [Being a taxable supply, it is includible in
                                                                                              iii  Exports of taxable goods of his firm                     2.60
            aggregate turnover]
            Value of taxable supplies of Manipur Branch                    11,50,000          iv   Exempt supplies of his firm                              2.40
            Aggregate turnover                                            33,00,000           v    Supplies of non-taxable goods of his firm                3.00

              CA VISHAL BHATTAD          09850850800                                                            V’Smart Academy          233
                                                                                 CA Final GST Questioner
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