Page 10 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
P. 10


        Q8. (March & October 19 – 10 Marks)

        An entity has a nuclear power plant and a related decommissioning liability. The nuclear power plant started

        operating  on  April  1,  2015.  The  plant  has  a  useful  life  of  40  years.  Its  initial  cost  was  Rs.  1,20,000.  This
        included an amount for decommissioning costs of Rs. 10,000, which represented Rs. 70,400 in estimated cash
        flows payable in 40 years discounted at a risk-adjusted rate of 5 per cent. The entity‖s financial year ends on
        March 31. Assume that a market-based discounted cash flow valuation of Rs. 1,15,000 is obtained at March 31,
        2018. It includes an allowance of Rs. 11,600 for decommissioning costs, which represents no change to the
        original estimate, after the unwinding of three years‖ discount. On March 31, 2019, the entity estimated that,

        as a result of technological advances, the present value of the decommissioning liability has decreased by Rs.
        5,000. The entity decides that a full valuation of the asset is needed at March 31, 2019, in order to ensure
        that the carrying amount does not differ materially from fair value. The asset is now valued at Rs. 1,07,000,
        which is net of an allowance for the reduced decommissioning obligation.

        How will the  entity  account  for  the  above  changes  in  decommissioning liability if  it  adopts  a  revaluation


         (a) At March 31, 2018:                            Rs.
             Asset at valuation (1)                        1,26,600
             Accumulated depreciation                      Nil
             Decommissioning liability                     (11,600)
             Net assets                                    1,15,000

             Retained earnings (2)                         (10,600)
             Revaluation surplus (3)                       15,600


        (1) Valuation obtained of Rs. 1,15,000 plus decommissioning costs of Rs. 11,600, allowed for in the valuation but
            recognised as a separate liability = Rs. 1,26,600.
        (2) Three years‖ depreciation on original cost Rs. 1,20,000 × 3/40 = Rs. 9,000 plus cumulative discount on Rs.
            10,000 at 5 percent compound = Rs. 1,600; total Rs. 10,600.
        (3) Revalued  amount  Rs.  1,26,600  less  previous  net  book  value  of  Rs.  1,11,000  (cost  Rs.  120,000  less
            accumulated depreciation Rs. 9,000).

        The depreciation expense for 2018-2019 is therefore Rs. 3,420 (Rs. 1,26,600 × 1/37) and the discount expense
        for 2019 is Rs. 600. On March 31, 2019, the decommissioning liability (before any adjustment) is Rs. 12,200.
        However, as per estimate of the entity, the present value of the decommissioning liability has decreased by Rs.
        5,000. Accordingly, the entity adjusts the decommissioning liability from Rs. 12,200 to Rs. 7,200.

        The whole of this adjustment is taken to revaluation surplus, because it does not exceed the carrying amount
        that would have been recognised had the asset been carried under the cost model. If it had done, the excess
        would have been taken to profit or loss. The entity makes the following journal entry to reflect the change:

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