Page 12 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
P. 12

manufacturing shed.
        Costs relating to the production line are as follows:

                                                  Details                                     Amount
                 Costs of the basic materials (list price Rs.12.5 million less a 20% trade discount)   10,000
                 Recoverable goods and services taxes incurred not included in the purchase cost   1,000

                  Employment costs of the construction staff for the three months (April to June)   1,200
                 Other overheads directly related to the construction                           900
                 Payments to external advisors relating to the construction                     500
                 Expected dismantling and restoration costs                                    2,000

        Additional Information
        The construction staff was engaged in the production line, which took two months to make ready for use and
        was brought into use on 31 May 20X1.

        The  other  overheads  were  incurred  in  the  two  months  period  ended  on  31  May  20X1.  They  included  an
        abnormal cost of Rs. 3,00,000 caused by a major electrical fault.

        The  production  line  is  expected  to  have  a  useful  economic  life  of  eight  years.  At  the  end  of  that  time
        Flywing Airways Ltd was legally required to dismantle the plant in a specified manner and restore its location
        to an acceptable standard. The amount of Rs.2 million mentioned above is the amount that is expected to be

        incurred at the end of the useful life of the production line. The appropriate rate to use in any discounting
        calculations is 5%. The present value of Re.1 payable in eight years at a discount rate of 5% is approximately

        Four years after being brought into use, the production line will require a major overhaul to ensure that it
        generates economic benefits for the second half of its useful life. The estimated cost of the overhaul, at

        current prices, is Rs.3 million.
        The Company computes its depreciation charge on a monthly basis. No impairment of the plant had occurred

        by 31 March 20X2.
        Analyze the accounting implications of costs related to production line to be recognized in the balance sheet
        and profit and loss for the year ended 31 March, 20X2.

                                       Statement showing Cost of production line:

                   Particulars                                                          Amount Rs.’000
                   Purchase cost                                                            10,000
                   Goods and services tax – recoverable goods and services tax not included    -
                   Employment costs during the period of getting the production line ready for   800
                   use (1,200 x 2 months / 3 months)
                   Other overheads – abnormal costs                                          600
                   Payment to external advisors – directly attributable cost                 500
                   Dismantling costs – recognized at present value where an obligation exists   1,360
                   (2,000 x 0.68)
                   Total                                                                    13,260

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