Page 11 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
P. 11

Rs.           Rs.
        Decommissioning liability            Dr.           5,000
               To Revaluation surplus                                    5,000

        As at March 31, 2019, the entity revalued its asset at Rs. 1,07,000, which is net of an allowance of Rs. 7,200
        for the reduced decommissioning obligation that should be recognised as a separate liability. The valuation of
        the  asset  for  financial  reporting  purposes,  before  deducting  this  allowance,  is  therefore  Rs.  1,14,200.  The
        following additional journal entry is needed:

                                                           Rs.           Rs.
        Accumulated depreciation (1)        Dr.            3,420
               To Asset at valuation                                     3,420

        Revaluation surplus (2)             Dr.            8,980
               To Asset at valuation (3)                                 8,980

        1)  Eliminating accumulated depreciation of Rs. 3,420 in accordance with the entity‖s accounting policy.
        2)  The debit is to revaluation surplus because the deficit arising on the revaluation does not exceed the credit

            balance existing in the revaluation surplus in respect of the asset.
        3)  Previous valuation (before allowance for decommissioning costs) Rs. 1,26,600, less cumulative depreciation
            Rs. 3,420, less new valuation (before allowance for decommissioning costs) Rs. 1,14,200.

        Following this valuation, the amounts included in the balance sheet are:
        Asset at valuation                                        1,14,200
        Accumulated depreciation                                  Nil
        Decommissioning liability                                 (7,200)
        Net assets                                                1,07,000
        Retained earnings (1)                                     (14,620)

        Revaluation surplus (2)                                   11,620

        (1) Rs. 10,600 at March 31, 2018, plus depreciation expense of Rs. 3,420 and discount expense of Rs. 600 =
            Rs. 14,620.

        (2) Rs. 15,600 at March 31, 2018, plus Rs. 5,000 arising on the decrease in the liability, less Rs. 8,980 deficit
            on revaluation = Rs. 11,620. [15,600 + 5,000 - 8,980]

        Q9. (May 20 – 12 Marks)

        Flywing Airways Ltd is a company which manufactures aircraft parts and engines and sells them to large
        multinational companies like Boeing and Airbus Industries.

        On  1  April  20X1,  the  company  began  the  construction  of  a  new  production  line  in  its  aircraft  parts

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