Page 16 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
P. 16


        Q11. (May 18 – 10 Marks)

        Stars Ltd. is a multinational entity that owns three properties. All the three properties were purchased on 1st
        April 2016. The details of purchase price and the market values of the properties are given as follows:
                 Particulars                    Property 1       Property 2             Property 3
                                                 Factory           Factory            Let-out Building
                 Purchase Price                  30,000            20,000                 24,000
                 Market Value (31-03-2017)       32,000            22,000                 27,000
                 Life                            10 years         10 years               10 years
                 Subsequent Measurement        Cost Model     Revaluation Model      Revaluation Model

        Property 1 and 2 are occupied by Stars Ltd, whilst property 3 is let out to a non-related party at a market

        rent. The management presents all three properties in the balance sheet as' 'Property, plant and equipment'.
        The company does not depreciate any of the properties on the basis that the fair values are exceeding their

        carrying amount and recognise the difference between purchase price and fair value in Statement of Profit
        and Loss.

        Evaluate  whether  the  accounting  policies  adopted  by  the  Stars  Ltd.  in  relation  to  these  properties  is  in
        accordance with relevant Indian Accounting Standards (Ind AS). If not, advise the correct treatment along

        with workings.

        (i)  For classification of assets
            Ind AS 16 ―Property, Plant and Equipment‖ states that Property, plant and equipment are tangible items
            that  are  held  for  use  in  the  production  or  supply  of  goods  or  services,  for  rental  to  others,  or  for

            administrative purposes.

            As per Ind AS 40 ―Investment property‖, investment property is a property held to earn rentals or for
            capital appreciation or both, rather than for use in the production or supply of goods or services or for

            administrative purposes; or sale in the ordinary course of business.
            According to the facts given in the question, since Property 1 and 2 are used as factory buildings, their

            classification as PPE is correct. However, Property 3 is held to earn rentals; hence, it should be classified
            as Investment Property. Thus, its classification as PPE is not correct. Property 3 shall be presented as a

            separate line item as Investment Property as per Ind AS 1.

        (ii) For valuation of assets

            Ind  AS  16  states  that  an  entity  shall  choose  either  the  cost  model  or  the  revaluation  model  as  its
            accounting policy and shall apply that policy to an entire class of property, plant and equipment. Also,

            Ind AS 16 states that  - if an item of property, plant and equipment is revalued, the entire class of
            property, plant and equipment to which that asset belongs shall be revalued.

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