Page 18 - 3. COMPILER QB - INDAS 16
P. 18

Case  2:  If  Stars  Ltd.  has  applied  the  Revaluation  Model  to  an  entire  class  of  property,  plant  and

        Balance Sheet extracts as at 31st March 2017                                   Rs
                      Non-current Assets

                      Property, Plant and Equipment
                         Property 1                                                       32,000
                         Property 2                                                       22,000    54,000

                      Investment Properties
                         Property 3 (Fair value being 27,000) (Cost = 24,000-2,400)       21,600
                      Equity and Liabilities

                      Other Equity
                      Revaluation Reserve *
                         Property 1 (32,000 – 27,000)                                   5,000
                         Property 2 (22,000 –18,000)                                    4,000    9,000

        *Revaluation  reserve  should  be  routed  through  Other  Comprehensive  Income  (OCI)  (subsequently  not

        reclassified to Profit and Loss) in the Statement of Profit and Loss and shown as a separate column in the
        Statement of Changes in Equity.

        Q12. (Nov 18 – 8 Marks)

        On 1st April, 2017 Good Time Limited purchased some land for Rs1.5 crore (including legal cost of Rs10 lakhs)
        for the purpose of constructing a new factory. Construction work commenced on 1st May, 2017. Good Time

        Limited incurred the following costs in relation to its construction

                  Preparation and leveling of the land                                        4,40,000
                  Purchase of materials for the construction                                 92,00,000
                  Employment costs of the construction workers (per month)                    1,45,000

                  Overhead costs incurred directly on the construction of the factory (per month)    1,25,000
                  Ongoing overhead costs allocated to the construction project (using the company's
                  normal overhead allocation model) per month                                 75,000

                  Costs of relocating employees to work at new factory                        3,25,000
                  Costs of the opening ceremony on 1st January, 2018
                  Income  received  during  the  temporary  use  of  the  factory  premises  as  a  store   2,50,000
                  during the construction period.                                             60,000

        The construction of the factory was completed on 31st December, 2017 and production began on 1st February,
        2018. The overall useful life of the factory building was estimated at 40 years from the date of completion.

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