Page 8 - 6. COMPILER QB - INDAS 116
P. 8


        Q6 (April. 19)

        On 1 April 2017, Jupiter ltd began to lease a property on a 20-year lease. Jupiter ltd paid a lease premium of
        Rs. 30,00,000 (One Time payment) on 1 April 2017. The terms of the lease required Jupiter ltd to make annual
        payments of Rs. 500,000 in arrears, the first of which was made on 31 March 2018.

        On 1 April 2017 the fair values of the leasehold interests in the leased property were as follows:

        – Land Rs. 30,00,000.
        – Buildings Rs. 45,00,000.

        There is no opportunity to extend the lease term beyond 31 March 2037. On 1 April 2017, the estimated useful
        economic life of the buildings was 20 years.

        The  annual  rate  of  interest  implicit  in  finance  leases  can  be  taken  to  be  9·2%.  The  present  value  of  20
        payments of Rs1 in arrears at a discount rate of 9·2% is Rs. 9.

        Explain the accounting treatment for the above property lease in the books of Lessor.

        *Solve this question from Lessor’s point of View.

                                              Statement of Profit and Loss

                                                                                       Rs. ’000
                          Operating lease rental                                        (260)
                          Amortisation of asset leased on finance lease                 (225)
                          Finance cost relating to finance leases                      (248·4)

                                                     Balance Sheet
                                                                                     Rs. ’000
                          Property, plant and equipment                                4,275
                          Prepaid operating lease rentals:
                          In non-current assets                                        1,080
                          In current assets                                             60

                          Lease liability:
                          In non-current liabilities                                 (2,592·1)
                          In current liabilities                                      (56·3)
        Explanation and supporting calculations:
        Separate decisions are made for the land and buildings elements of the lease.
         1)  The land lease is an operating lease because land has an indefinite useful economic life and the lease
             term is 20 years.

             The lease premium and annual rentals are apportioned 40% (3/7·5) to the land element.
             Therefore, the premium for the land element is Rs. 12,00,000 (Rs. 30,00,000 x 40%) and the annual
             rentals for the land element Rs. 200,000 (Rs. 500,000 x 40%). This makes the total lease payments
             Rs. 52,00,000 (Rs. 12,00,000 + 20 x Rs. 200,000).
             The rental expense for the current period is Rs. 2,60,000 (Rs. 52,00,000 x 1/20).

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