Page 9 - 6. COMPILER QB - INDAS 116
P. 9

The amount paid in the current period regarding the land element is Rs. 14,00,000 (Rs. 12,00,000 + Rs.
             200,000). Therefore, there is a prepayment of Rs. 1,140,000 (Rs. 14,00,000 – Rs. 2,60,000) at the year

             In  the  next  19  periods,  the  rental  expense  will  be  Rs.  260,000  and  the  rental  payment  will  be  Rs.
             200,000. Therefore Rs. 60,000 of the rental pre-payment will reverse in each period. This means that
             Rs. 60,000 of the pre-payment will be a current asset, and the balance a non-current asset.
         2)  The buildings element of the lease will be a finance lease because the lease term is for substantially
             all of the useful life of the buildings. The premium apportioned to the building element is Rs. 18,00,000

             (Rs. 30,00,000 x 60%) and the annual rental apportioned to the buildings is Rs. 300,000 (Rs. 500,000
             x 60%). The initial carrying value of the leased asset in PPE is Rs. 45,00,000 (Rs. 18,00,000 + Rs.
             300,000 x 9). Therefore, the annual depreciation charge is Rs. 2,25,000 (Rs. 45,00,000 x 1/20) and the
             closing PPE = Rs. 42,75,000 (Rs. 45,00,000 – Rs. 2,25,000). The finance cost in respect of the finance
             lease and the closing non-current liability is shown in the working below. The closing current liability is

             Rs. 56,300 (Rs. 26,48,400 – Rs. 25,92,100).
             Lease liability profile – working
                         Year ended 31st      Bal b/f     Finance Cost    Lease rental    Bal c/f
                              March           Rs.’000       @ 9.2%          payment      Rs. ’000
                                                             Rs. ’000       Rs. ’000
                               2018            *2,700         248·4          (300)        2,648·4
                               2019           2,648·4         243·7          (300)        2,592·1
        *  Balance  brought  forward  is  equal  to  net  of  lease  premium  of  Rs.  18,00,000  i.e.  Rs.  45,00,000  –  Rs.
        18,00,000 = Rs. 27,00,000.

        Q7 (May 20 – 16 Marks)

        Company EFG enters into a property lease with Entity H. The initial term of the lease is 10 years with a 5- year
        renewal option. The economic life of the property is 40 years and the fair value of the leased property is Rs.50

        Lacs. Company EFG has an option to purchase the property at the end of the lease term for Rs.30 lacs. Lease is
        paid at the beginning of the year. The first annual payment is Rs.5 lacs with an increase of 3% every year

        thereafter.  The  implicit  rate  of  interest  is  9.04%.  Entity  H  gives  Company  EFG  an  incentive  of  Rs.  2  lacs
        (payable at the beginning of year 2), which is to be used for normal tenant improvement.

        Company EFG is reasonably certain to exercise that purchase option. How would EFG measure the right-of-use

        asset and lease liability over the lease term?

        As per Ind AS 116, Company EFG would first calculate the lease liability as the present value of the annual lease payments, less

        the  lease  incentive  paid  in  year  2,  plus  the  exercise  price  of  the  purchase  option  using  the  rate  implicit  in  the  lease  of

        approximately 9.04%.
                      PV of lease payments, less lease incentive (W.N. 1)        Rs. 37,39,648
                      PV of purchase option at end of lease term (W.N. 2)        Rs. 12,60,000

                      Total lease liability                                Rs. 49,99,648 or Rs. 50,00,000

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