Page 14 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
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measurement period provides the acquirer with a reasonable time to obtain  the information necessary to
           identify and measure the following as of the acquisition date in accordance with the requirements of this
           Ind AS:

              the  identifiable  assets  acquired,  liabilities assumed  and  any  non-controlling  interest  in the  acquiree;

              the resulting goodwill or gain on a bargain purchase.

        The Ind AS states that the acquirer recognises an increase (decrease) in the provisional amount recognised for
        an identifiable asset (liability) by means of a decrease (increase) in goodwill.
        It also states that during the measurement period, the acquirer shall recognise adjustments to the provisional
        amounts as if the accounting for the business combination had been completed at the acquisition date.
        It  further  states  that  after  the  measurement  period  ends,  the  acquirer  shall  revise  the  accounting  for  a

        business combination only to correct an error in accordance with Ind AS 8 ―Accounting Policies, Changes in
        Accounting Estimates and Errors‖.
        On 31st December, 20X7, H Ltd. has established that it has obtained all the information necessary for the
        accounting  of  the  business  combination  and  the  more  information  is  not  obtainable.  Therefore,  the
        measurement period for acquisition of S Ltd. ends on 31  December, 20X7.
        On 31st May, 20X7 (ie within the measurement period), H Ltd. learned that certain customer relationships
        existing as on 1st January, 20X7 which met the recognition criteria of an intangible asset as on that date
        were  not  considered  during  the  accounting  of  business  combination  for  the  year  ended  31st  March,  20X7.
        Therefore, H Ltd. shall account for the acquisition date fair value of customer relations existing on 1st January,
        20X7  as  an  identifiable  intangible  asset.  The  corresponding  adjustment  shall  be  made  in  the  amount  of

        Accordingly, the amount of goodwill will be changed due to identification of new assets from retrospective date
        for changes in fair value of assets and liabilities earlier recognised on provisional amount (subject to meeting
        the condition above for measurement period). NCI changes would impact the consolidated retained earnings
        (parent‖s share). Also NCI will be increased order eased based on the profit during the post-acquisition period.

                                                      Journal entry
        Customer relationship Dr.                                             3.5crore
               To NCI                                                           1.4crore
               To Goodwill                                                      2.1crore
        However, the increase in the value of customer relations after the acquisition date shall not be accounted for

        by  H  Ltd.,  as  the  customer  relations  developed  after  1st  January,  20X7  represents  internally  generated
        intangible assets which are not eligible for recognition on the balance sheet.
        (c) Since the contingent considerations payable by H Ltd is not classified as equity and is within the scope of
           Ind  AS  109  ―Financial  Instruments‖,  the  changes  in  the  fair  value  shall  be  recognised  in  profit  or  loss.
           Change in Fair value of contingent consideration (23-22) Rs. 1 crore will be recognized in the Statement of

           Profit and Loss.

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