Page 79 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
P. 79

Bills Payable                        -           -
                           MX Limited                                               55
                                                          8,500       4,100        3,350
        LX Limited holds 85% shares in MX Limited, which were acquired on 1st April 2020 and MX Limited holds
        60% shares in NX Limited, which were acquired on 30th September 2020.

        The following balances stood in the books of MX Limited and NX Limited as on 1st April 2020:
                                                                  MX Limited    NX Limited
                                                                  Rs in lakh    Rs in lakh
                 Reserves                                                760           520
                 Retained earnings                                       480           150
        The business activities of NX Limited are not seasonal in nature.

        The  parent  company  has  adopted  an  accounting  policy  to  measure  non-controlling  interest  at  fair  value
        applying Ind AS 103. The fair value is to be determined at quoted market price. The given market price of MX
        Limited is Rs 120 per share and NX Limited is Rs 125 per share.
        Prepare the consolidated Balance Sheet as on 31st March 2021 of the group of companies LX Limited, MX
        Limited and NX Limited.

                             Consolidated Balance Sheet of the Group as at 31st March, 2021

                                             Particulars                    Note No.   Rs in lakh
                         Non-current assets

                         Property, plant and equipment                          1       4,500.00
                         Current assets
                         (a)  Inventories                                      2        3,140.00
                         (b)  Financial assets

                                 Trade receivables                             3        2,305.00
                                 Bills receivables                             4         655.00

                                 Cash and cash equivalents                     5        1,325.00
                         Total assets                                                   11,925.00
                         EQUITY & LIABILITIES
                         Equity attributable to owners of parent

                                Share Capital                                           3,400.00
                                Other Equity                                   6        2,893.10
                         Non-controlling interests (W.N.4)                              1,216.90

                         Current liabilities
                         (a)  Financial Liabilities
                                                                               7        4,415.00
                                 Trade payables
                         Total equity and liabilities                                   11,925.00

                                                                                                    16. 78
   74   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84