Page 80 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
P. 80

Notes to Accounts  (Rs in lakh)
                          1.  Property Plant & Equipment

                            LX Ltd.                                       1,500
                            MX Ltd.                                       1,600
                            NX Ltd.                                       1,400         4,500
                          2. Inventories
                            LX Ltd.                                       1,230
                            MX Ltd.                                        730

                            NX Ltd.                                       1,180         3,140
                          3. Trade Receivables
                            LX Ltd.                                       1,415
                            MX Ltd.                                        270
                            NX Ltd.                                        620          2,305

                          4. Bills Receivables
                            LX Ltd.                                        650
                            MX Ltd. (60-55)                                 5           655
                          5. Cash & Cash equivalents
                            LX Ltd.                                       1,085
                            MX Ltd.                                        90

                            NX Ltd.                                        150          1,325
                          6. Other Equity
                            Reserve (W.N.5)                              1,207.80
                            Retained earnings (W.N.5)                    1,172.80
                            Capital Reserve (W.N.3)                       512.50       2,893.10
                          7. Trade Payables
                            LX Ltd.                                       2,920
                            MX Ltd.                                        690

                            NX Ltd.                                        805          4,415

        Working Notes:
        1.   Analysis of Reserves and Surplus                                     (Rs in lakh)
                                                                         MX Ltd.      NX Ltd.
                           Reserves as on 1.4.2020                         760          520

                           Increase during the year 2020-2021 (580 - 520)         60
                           Increase for the half year till 30.9.2020                     30
                           Balance on acquisition date         (A)         760          550
                           Total balance as on 31.3.2021                   810          580
                           Post-acquisition balance                        50            30
                           Retained Earnings as on 1.4.2020                480          150

                           Increase during the year 2020-2021 (310 - 150)         160
                           Increase for the half year till 30.9.2020                     80
                           Balance on acquisition date         (B)         480          230
                           Total balance as on 31.3.2021                   600          310
                                                                                                    16. 79
   75   76   77   78   79   80   81   82   83   84   85