Page 84 - 16. COMPILER QB - INDAS 103
P. 84

Balance Sheet of SUNMOON Ltd. as on 1.1.20X2             Rs in '000
                 ASSETS                                                       Note No.        Amount

                 Non-current assets
                 Property, Plant and Equipment                                                 32,000
                 Financial assets
                 Investments                                                                   3,200
                 Current assets
                 Inventory                                                                      8,000
                 Trade receivable                                                              11,600
                 Cash and Cash equivalent                                                       1,700
                 Equity share capital (of face value of Rs 10 each)               1            26,000
                 Other equity                                                    2             11,500
                 Non-current liabilities
                 Financial liabilities
                 Borrowings                                                      3             14,000
                 Current liabilities
                 Trade payable                                                                  5,000

        Notes to Accounts
                                                                               (R in ‘000)    (R in ‘000)
                  1    Share Capital
                       26,00,000 Equity Shares of Rs 10 each                                    260,00
                  2    Other Equity
                       General Reserve (30,00 + 40,00)                            70,00
                       Profit & Loss (20,00 + 10,00)                              30,00
                       Investment Allowance Reserve (10,00 + 2,00)                12,00
                       Export Profit Reserve (50 + 1,00)                          300           11,500
                  3    Long Term Borrowings

                       12% Debentures                                                           14,000

        (b) Assuming MOON Ltd is a larger entity and their management will take the control of the entity
        SUNMOON Ltd.
        In this case MOON Ltd. and SUN Ltd. are not under common control and hence accounting prescribed under
        Ind AS 103 for business combination will be applied. A question arises here is who is the accounting acquirer
        SUNMOON Ltd which is issuing the shares or SUN Ltd. or MOON Ltd. As per the accounting guidance provided

        in  Ind  AS  103,  sometimes  the  legal  acquirer  may  not  be  the  accounting  acquirer.  In  the  given  scenario
        although SUNMOON Ltd. is issuing the shares but MOON Ltd. post-merger will have control and is bigger in
        size which is a clear indicator that MOON Ltd. will be an accounting acquirer. This can be justified by the
        following table

                                                                                                    16. 83
   79   80   81   82   83   84   85   86   87   88