Page 23 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
P. 23

Q24. (NOV 19)

        Nivaan Limited commenced work on two long-term contracts during the financial year ended on 31 March,

        The first contract with A & Co. commenced on 1 June, 2018 and had a total sales value of Rs 40 lakh. It
        was envisaged that the contract would run for two years and that the total expected costs would be Rs 32

        lakh. On 31 March, 2019, Nivaan Limited revised its estimate of the total expected cost to Rs 34 lakh on the
        basis of the additional rectification cost of Rs 2 lakh incurred on the contract during the current financial

        year. An independent surveyor has estimated at 31 March, 2019 that the contract is 30% complete. Nivaan

        Limited has incurred costs up to 31 March, 2019 of Rs 16 lakh and has received payments on account of Rs
        13 lakh.

        The second contract with B & Co. commenced on 1 September, 2018 and was for 18 months. The total sales
        value of the contract was Rs 30 lakh and the total expected cost is Rs 24 lakh. Payments on account already
        received were Rs 9.50 lakh and total costs incurred to date were Rs 8 lakh. Nivaan Limited has insisted on a
        large  deposit  from  B  &  Co.  because  the  companies  had  not  traded  together  prior  to  the  contract.  The

        independent surveyor estimated that on 31 March, 2019 the contract was 20% complete.
        The two contracts meet the requirement of Ind AS 115 ―Revenue from Contracts with Customers‖ to recognize
        revenue over time as the performance obligations are satisfied over time.
        The company also has several other contracts of between twelve and eighteen months in duration. Some of
        these contracts fall into two accounting periods and were not completed as at 31  March, 2019. In absence of

        any  financial  data  relating  to  the  other  contracts,  you  are  advised  to  ignore  these  other  contracts  while

        preparing the financial statements of the company for the year ended 31 March, 2019.
        Prepare financial statement extracts for Nivaan Limited in respect of the two construction contracts for the

        year ending 31 March, 2019.

        Extracts of Balance Sheet of Nivaan Ltd. as on 31 March, 2019
                                                                                      Rs in lakh
                        Current Assets
                        Contract Assets- Work-in-progress (Refer W.N. 3)                 9.0
                        Current Liabilities
                        Contract Liabilities (Advance from customers) (Refer W.N. 2)     4.5

        Extracts of Statement of Profit and Loss of Nivaan Ltd. as on 31  March, 2019

                                                                               Rs in lakh
                             Revenue from contracts (Refer W.N. 1)                 18
                             Cost of Revenue (Refer W.N. 1)                       (15)
                             Net Profit on Contracts (Refer W.N. 1)                3

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