Page 24 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
P. 24

Working Notes:
        1.  Table showing calculation of total revenue, expenses and profit or loss on contract for the year

                                                                           Rs in lakh
                                                          A & Co.            B & Co.       Total
                        Revenue from contracts        (40 x 30%) = 12    (30 x 20%) = 6      18
                        Expenses due for the year    (34 x 30%) = 10.2  (24 x 20%) = 4.8     15
                        Profit or loss on contract          1.8                 1.2          3

        2.  Calculation of amount due from / (to) customers
                                                                                    Rs in lakh

                                                                          A & Co.  B & Co.   Total
                            Billing  on  the  basis  of  revenue  recognised  in  the   12   6   18
                            Payments received from the customers           (13)     (9.5)   (22.5)
                            Advance received from the customers              1       3.5     4.5

        3.  Work in Progress recognised as part of contract asset at the end of the year
                                                                                                Rs in lakh

                                                                            A & Co.  B & Co.   Total
                     Total actual cost incurred during the year               16       8        24
                     Less: Cost recognised in the books for the year 31.3.2019   (10.2)   (4.8)   (15)
                     Work-in-progress recognised at the end of the year       5.8      3.2      9.0

        Alternate Answer -
        Additional rectification cost of Rs 2 lakh has been treated as normal cost. Hence total expected cost has been
        considered as Rs 34 lakh.  However, in case this Rs 2 lakh is  treated  as an abnormal cost, then expense
        due for the year would be Rs 11.6 lakh (i.e. 30% of Rs 32 lakh + Rs 2 lakh). Accordingly, with respect to A

        & Co., the profit for the year would be Rs 0.4 lakh and work-in-progress recognised at the end of the year
        would be Rs 4.4 lakh.

        Working Notes:

                   1.  Table showing calculation of total revenue, expenses and profit or loss on contract for the
                       year                                                   Rs in lakhs
                                                          A & Co.            B & Co.       Total
                        Revenue from contracts               12                 6            18
                        Expenses due for the year           11.60              4.80        16.40
                        Profit or loss on contract          0.40               1.20         1.60

                   2. Work in Progress recognised as part of contract asset at the end of the year
                                                                                              Rs in lakhs

                                                                            A & Co.  B & Co.   Total
                     Total actual cost incurred during the year               16       8        24
                     Less: Cost recognised in the books for the year 31.3.2019   (11.60)   (4.80)   (16.40)
                     Work-in-progress recognised at the end of the year      4.40      3.2     7.60
                                                                                                19. 23
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