Page 19 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
P. 19

To Contract liability                                 Rs. 494
             * Rs. 494 = Rs. 4,000 contract liability × (6% interest per year for two years).

        (c)  Recognise revenue for the transfer of the asset:
                       Contract liability                   Dr.           Rs. 4,494
                                 To Revenue                                            Rs. 4,494
        (Year 1 - 4,000 + 6% = 4,240; year 2 - 4,240 + 6% = 4,494)

        Q17.  (APRIL 21)
        Buildings Limited with a financial year end of 31st March, entered into a contract with its customer, Radar

        Limited,  to  build  a  manufacturing  facility.  Buildings  Limited  determines  that  the  contract  contains  one
        performance obligation satisfied over time. Construction is scheduled to be completed by the end of the 36th
        month for an agreed upon price of Rs. 25 crores. Buildings Limited has the opportunity to earn a performance
        bonus for early completion as follows:
        ●    15% bonus of the contract price if completed by the 30th month (25% likelihood).
        ●    10% bonus of the contract price if completed by the 32nd month (40% likelihood).
        ●    5% bonus of the contract price if completed by the 34th month (15% likelihood).

        In addition to the potential performance bonus for early completion, Buildings Limited is entitled to a quality
        bonus of Rs. 2 crores if a health and safety inspector assigns the facility a gold star rating as defined by
        Radar Limited in terms of the contract. Buildings Limited concludes that it is 60% likely that it will receive

        the quality bonus.
        Analyze and determine the amount of variable consideration Building Limited should recognize in its contract
        with Radar Company Limited to build a manufacturing facility.

        In  determining  the  transaction  price,  Buildings  Limited  separately  estimates  variable  consideration for  each
        element of variability i.e. the early completion bonus and the quality bonus.
        Buildings Limited decides to use the expected value method to estimate the variable consideration associated
        with the early completion bonus because there is a range of possible outcomes and the entity has experience

        with a large number of similar contracts that provide a reasonable basis to predict future outcomes. Therefore,
        the entity expects this method to best predict the amount of variable consideration associated with the early
        completion bonus. Buildings Ltd.‖s best estimate of the early completion bonus is Rs. 2.125 crore, calculated
        as shown in the following table:
                     Bonus % Amount of bonus (Rs. in crore)    Probability    Probability-weighted
                                                                             amount (Rs. in crore)
                        15%                  3.75                 25%               0.9375

                        10%                  2.50                 40%                1.00
                        5%                   1.25                 15%               0.1875
                        0%                    -                   20%                  -

                                                                  100%               2.125
        Buildings Limited decides to use the most likely amount to estimate the variable consideration associated with
        the potential quality bonus because there are only two possible outcomes (Rs. 2 crore or Rs. Nil) and this
        method would best predict the amount of consideration associated with the quality bonus. Buildings Limited
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