Page 21 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
P. 21


        Determining whether a good or service represents a performance obligation on its own or is required to be
        aggregated with other goods or services can have a significant impact on the timing of revenue recognition.
        While the customer may be able to benefit from each promised good or service on its own (or together with
        other readily available resources), they do not appear to be separately identifiable within the context of the

        contract. That is, the promised goods and services are subject to significant integration, and as a result will
        be treated as a single performance obligation.
        This is consistent with a view that the customer is primarily interested in acquiring a single asset (a water
        purification plant) rather than a collection of related components and services.

        Q20.  (OCT 21)
        Growth Ltd. enters into an arrangement with a customer for an infrastructure outsourcing deal.
        Based on its experience, Growth Ltd. determines that customizing the infrastructure will take approximately

        200 hours in total to complete the project and charges Rs. 150 per hour.
        After incurring 100 hours of time, Growth Ltd. and the customer agree to change an aspect of the project and
        increase the estimate of labour hours by 50 hours at the rate of Rs. 100 per hour.
        Determine how contract modification will be accounted as per Ind AS 115?

        Considering that the remaining goods or services are not distinct, the modification will be accounted for on
        a cumulative catch-up basis, as given below:

                                   Particulars               Hours      Rate (Rs.)    Amount (Rs.)
                     Initial contract amount                  200          150           30,000
                     Modification in contract                 50           100            5,000
                     Contract amount after modification       250          140*          35,000
                     Revenue to be recognised                 100          140           14,000
                     Revenue already booked                   100          150           15,000

                     Adjustment in revenue                                               (1,000)
        *Rs. 35,000 / 250 hours = Rs. 140.

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