Page 22 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
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        Q21. (MAY 19)
        Orange Ltd. contracts to renovate a five star hotel including the installation of new elevators on 01.10.2017.

        Orange Ltd. estimates the transaction price of Rs.480 lakh. The expected cost of elevators is Rs. 144 lakh and
        expected other costs is Rs.240 lakh. Orange Ltd. purchases elevators and they are delivered to the site six
        months before they will be installed. Orange Ltd. uses an input method based on cost to measure progress
        towards completion. The entity has incurred actual other costs of Rs. 48 lakh by 31.03.2018.

        How much revenue will be recognised  as  per  relevant  Ind  AS  115 for  the  year  ended 31 March, 2018,
        if performance obligation is  met over a period of time?

        Cost to be incurred comprises two major components – cost of elevators and cost of construction service.
        (a)  The elevators are part of the overall construction project and are not a distinct performance obligation
        (b)  The cost of elevators is substantial to the overall project and are incurred well in advance.
        (c)  Upon delivery at site, the customer acquires control of such elevators.

        (d)  There is no modification done to the elevators, which the company only procures and delivers at site.
             Nevertheless, as part of materials used in overall construction projects, the company is a principal in
             the transaction with the customer for such elevators also.
        Therefore, applying the guidance on Input method –
        -    The  measure  of  progress  should  be  based  on  the  percentage  of  costs  incurred  relative  to  the  total

             budgeted costs.
        -    The cost of elevators should be excluded when measuring such progress & revenue for such elevators
             should be recognized to the extent of costs incurred.

        The revenue to be recognized is measured as follows:

                                             Particulars                    Amount (Rs. in
                              Transaction price                                480
                              Costs incurred:
                              (a)  Cost of elevators                           144
                              (b)  Other costs                                  48
                              Measure of progress                         48 / 240 = 20%

        Revenue to be recognised:                                                 (Rs. in lakh)
                   (a)  For  costs  incurred  (other   Total attributable revenue = 480 -144 = 336 % of work
                       than elevators)                completed=20%Revenue to be recognised =67.20

                   (b)  Revenue for elevators                  (equal to costs incurred) 144
                   Total revenue to be recognised
                                                                  144 + 67.2 = 211.20
        Therefore, for the year ended 31 March, 2018, the company shall recognize revenue of Rs. 211.20 lakhs on the

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