Page 20 - 19. COMPILER QB - INDAS 115
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believes the most likely amount of the quality bonus is Rs. 2 crore (because it is 60% likely to receive the
        Total variable consideration = 4.125 crore (2.125 crore + 2 crore).

        Q18.  (APRIL 21)

        Entity  AB  Ltd.  enters  into  a  three-year  service  contract  with  a  customer  CD  Ltd.  for  Rs.  4,50,000
        (Rs.1,50,000 per year). The standalone selling price for one year of service at inception of the contract is
        Rs.1,50,000 per year. AB Ltd. accounts for the contract as a series of distinct services.
        At the beginning of the third year, the parties agree to modify the contract as follows:
        (i)  the fee for the third year is reduced to Rs.1,20,000; and

        (ii) CD Ltd. agrees to extend the contract for another three years for Rs.3,00,000 (Rs.1,00,000 per year).
        The standalone selling price for one year of service at the time of modification is Rs. 1,20,000. How should AB
        Ltd. account for the modification? Analyze

        Ind AS 115, inter alia, states that, “An entity shall account for a contract modification as a separate contract
        if both of the following conditions are present:
        (a)  the  scope  of  the  contract  increases  because  of  the  addition  of  promised  goods  or  services  that  are

             distinct; AND
        (b)  the price of the contract increases by an amount of consideration that reflects the entity‖s stand-alone
             selling prices of the additional promised goods or services and any appropriate adjustments to that price
             to reflect the circumstances of the particular contract.
        In  accordance  with  the  above,  it  may  be  noted  that  a  contract  modification  should  be  accounted  for
        prospectively  if  the  additional  promised  goods  or  services  are  distinct  and  the  pricing  for  those  goods  or

        services reflects their stand-alone selling price.
        In the given case, even though the remaining services to be provided are distinct, the modification should not
        be accounted for as a separate contract because the price of the contract did not increase by an amount of
        consideration that reflects the standalone selling price of the additional services. The modification would be
        accounted for, from the date of the modification, as if the existing arrangement was terminated and a new

        contract created (i.e. on a prospective basis) because the remaining services to be provided are distinct.
        AB Ltd. should reallocate the remaining consideration to all of the remaining services to be provided (i.e. the
        obligations remaining from the original contract and the new obligations). AB Ltd. will recognise a total of
        Rs.4,20,000 (Rs.1,20,000 + Rs.3,00,000) over the remaining four-year service period (one year remaining under
        the original contract plus three additional years) or Rs.1,05,000 per year.

        Q19.  (APRIL 21)

        A construction services company enters into a contract with a customer to build a water purification plant.
        The company is responsible for all aspects of the plant including overall project management, engineering and
        design services, site preparation, physical construction of the plant, procurement of pumps and equipment for
        measuring and testing flow volumes and water quality, and the integration of all components.
        Determine whether the company has a single or multiple performance obligations under the contract?

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