Page 20 - 20. COMPILER QB - INDAS 102
P. 20


        Q15. (May 18 – 10 Marks)

        ABC Limited issued 20,000 Share Appreciation Rights (SARs) that vest immediately to its employees on 1st
        April 2015. The SARs will be settled in cash. At that date it is estimated using an option pricing model, that

        the fair value of a SAR is Rs 95. SAR can be exercised any time up to 31st March 2018. At the end of 31st
        March 2016 it is expected that 95% of total employees will exercise the option, 92% of total employees will

        exercise the option at the end of next year and finally 89% will be vested only at the end of the 3rd year.
        Fair values at the end of each period have been given below:

                                              Fair value of SAR          Rs
                                              31st March, 2016           110
                                              31st March, 2017           107

                                              31st March, 2018           112
        Discuss the applicability of Cash Settled Share based payments under the relevant Ind AS and pass

        the journal entries.


        Applicability of cash settled share-based payment transactions
        For cash-settled share-based payment transactions, the entity shall measure the goods or services acquired

        and the liability incurred at the fair value of the liability.

        1.  When vesting conditions are attached to the share based payment plans
            The recognition of such share based payment plans should be done by recognizing the fair value of the

            liability at the time of goods/ services received and not at the date of grant.
        2.  When no vesting period / condition is attached or to be fulfilled

            Cash settled share based payment can be recognized in full at initial recognition itself.
            Until the liability is settled, the entity shall remeasure the fair value of the liability at the end of each

            reporting  period  date  and  difference  in  fair  value  will  be  charged  to  profit  or  loss  for  the  period  as
            employee benefit expenses.

            At the date of settlement, the liability is paid in cash based on the fair value on the date of settlement.

        Calculation of expenses recognized during the year on account of change in the fair value of SARs
                         Period        Fair valve   To be        Cumulative      Expense / (benefit) for

                                                   vested         expenses          the current year
                                           A          B      c = a x b x 20,000   d = c-of current period
                                                                                  – c of previous period

                      1st April, 2015     95        100%          19,00,000             19,00,000
                     31  March, 2016      110       95%           20,90,000             1,90,000
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