Page 17 - 20. COMPILER QB - INDAS 102
P. 17

Bombay Software Limited and agreed that the contract will be settled by issuing equity instruments of

              New  Age  Technology  Limited.  New  Age  Technology  Limited  received  the  IT  equipment  on  30th  July,
              20X1.  The  share-based  payment  transaction  was  measured  based  on  the  fair  value  of  the  equity

              instruments as on 1 st April, 20X1.
         (iii) On 1st April, 20X1, New Age Technology Limited decided to grant the share options to its employees. The

              scheme was approved by the employees on 30th June, 20X1. The issue of the share options was however
              subject to the same being approved by the shareholders in a general meeting. The scheme was approved

              in  the  general  meeting  held  on  30th  September,  20X1.  The  fair  value  of  the  equity  instruments  for
              measuring the share- based payment transaction was taken on 30th September, 20X1.

        Identify the grant date and measurement date in all the 3 cases of Share based payment transactions entered
        into by New Age Technology Limited, supported by appropriate rationale for the determination?


        Ind AS 102 defines grant date and measurement dates as follows:
        (a)  Grant date: The date at which the entity and another party (including an employee) agree to a share-

            based payment arrangement, being when the entity and the counterparty have a shared understanding of

            the terms and conditions of the arrangement. At grant date the entity confers on the counterparty the
            right to cash, other assets, or equity instruments of the entity, provided the specified vesting conditions,

            if any, are met. If that agreement is subject to an approval process (for example, by shareholders), the
            grant date is the date when that approval is obtained.

        (b)  Measurement date: The date at which the fair value of the equity instruments granted is measured for
            the purposes of this Ind AS. For transactions with employees and others providing similar services, the

            measurement  date  is  the  grant  date.  For  transactions  with  parties  other  than  employees  (and  those
            providing  similar  services),  the  measurement  date  is  the  date  the  entity  obtains  the  goods  or  the

            counterparty renders service.
        Applying  the  above  definitions  in  the  given  scenarios  following  would  be  the  conclusion  based  on  the

        assumption that the approvals have been received prospectively:

                 Scenario    Grant date   Measurement     Base for grant date           Base for
                                              date                                  measurement date
                    (i)      30  June,   30  20X1 June,  The date on which the  For employees, the measurement
                                20X1                     scheme was approved by     date is grant date
                                                             the employees
                   (ii)       1  April,     30  20X1       The date when the     The date when the entity
                                20X1          July,          entity and the      obtains the goods from the
                                                          counterparty entered a       counterparty
                                                         contract and agreed for
                                                          settlement by equity

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