Page 22 - 20. COMPILER QB - INDAS 102
P. 22

You are required to determine the expense as per Ind AS for each year (assumed as financial year)

        and pass appropriate journal entries.


        Since  the  earnings  of the  entity  are  non-market  related,  hence  it  will  not  be  considered  in  the fair  value
        calculation of the shares given. However, the same will be considered while calculating the number of shares

        to be vested.
                                      Calculation of yearly expenses to be charged:

                                                                        2016          2017          2018
              (a)  Total employees                                      400           400           400
              (b)  Employees left (Actual)                             (22)          (38)*         (47)**

              (c)  Employees expected to leave in the next year         (18)          (14)           -
              (d)  Year end – No of employees (a-b-c)                   360           348           353
              (e)  Shares per employee                                  200           200           200

              (f)  Fair value of a share at the grant date               61            61            61
                   Conditional increase in earnings                     12%           20%           20%
                   Actual increase in earnings                          10%           18%           20%
              (g)  Vesting period                                       1/2           2/3           3/3

              (h)  Expenses (Refer Working Notes)                     21,96,000     6,34,400      14,76,200
        *22 + 16 = 38

        ** 22 +16 + 9 = 47
                                                     Journal Entries

                    31st March, 2016                                          Rs             Rs
                    Employee benefits expenses A/c Dr.                    5,49,000

                          To Share based payment reserve (equity) A/c                      5,49,000
                    (Equity  settled  shared  based  payment  based  on
                    conditional vesting period)

                    Profit and Loss A/c Dr.                               5,49,000
                          To Employee benefits expenses A/c                                5,49,000

                    (Employee  benefits  expenses  transferred  to  Profit  and
                    Loss A/c)
                    31st March, 2017
                    Employee benefits expenses Dr.                        18,05,600

                          To Share based payment reserve (equity)                         18,05,600
                    (Equity  settled  share  based  payment  based  on
                    conditional expected vesting period)

                    Profit and Loss A/c Dr.                               18,05,600
                          To Employee benefits expenses A/c                               18,05,600
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