Page 24 - 20. COMPILER QB - INDAS 102
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= 14,76,200

            Expense recognized in the financial year 2017-2018= (6,34,400 x 9/12) + (14,76,200 x 3/12) = 4,75,800 +
            3,69,050 = 8,44,850

        4.  Expense recognized in the financial year 2018-2019=(14,76,200x9/12)= 11,07,150

        Q17. (May 19 – 8 Marks)

        Beetel  Holding  Inc.  grants  100  shares  to  each  of  its  300  employees  on  1 January,  2015.  The  employees
        should remain in service during the vesting period. The shares will vest at the end of the

                           First year            if the company's earnings increase by 13%
                          Second year  if  the  company's  earnings  increased  by  more  than  21%  over  the

                                      two - year period
                           Third year   if  the  entity's  earnings  increased  by  more  than  23%  over  the
                                      three-year period.

        The fair value per share at the grant date is Rs 125.
        In  2015,  earnings  increased  by  9%  and  20  employees  left  the  organization.  The  company  expects  that

        earnings will continue at a similar rate in 2016 and expects that the shares will vest at the end of the year
        2016. The company also expects that additional 30 employees will leave the organization in the year 2016

        and that 250 employees will receive their shares at the end of the year 2016.
        At the end of 2016, the company's earnings increased by 19%. Therefore, the shares did not vest. Only 20

        employees left the organization during 2016. Company believes that additional 25 employees will leave in
        2017 and earnings will further increase so that the performance target will be achieved in2017.

        At the end of the year 2017, only 22 employees left the organization. Assume that the company's earnings
        increased to desired level and the performance target has been met.

        Determine the expense for each year and pass appropriate journal entries.


        Since the earnings of the entity are non-market related, hence it will not be considered in the fair value

        calculation of the shares given. However, the same will be considered while calculating the number of shares
        to be vested.
        Determination of expenses for each year:

                                                                        2015       2016          2017
               A  Total employees                                       300         300           300

               B  Cumulative- Employees left (Actual)                  (20)        (40)          (62)
               C  Employees expected to leave in the next year         (30)        (25)            -
               D  Year end – No of employees                            250         235          238

               E  Shares per employee                                   100         100           100
               F   Fair value of a share at grant date                  125         125           125

               G  Vesting period                                        1/2         2/3           3/3
                                                                                                        20. 23
   19   20   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29