Page 26 - 20. COMPILER QB - INDAS 102
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        Number of SARs = 80 Employees x 500 SARs = 40,000 SARs

             1.  When the term of the awards is 4 years of service
                           Period       Fair   To be  Cumulative Expense in proportion to the  Cumulative
                                       value  vested                 award earned          expenses
                                         A      b   c = 40,000   d = [{(c / no. of total      E
                                                      x a x b   years) x years completed}
                                                                    – e of pvs year]

                     1 April, 2017      100   100%  40,00,000              -                  -

                    31 March, 2018      110   100%  44,00,000           11,00,000          11,00,000

                    31 March, 2019      120   100%  48,00,000          13,00,000           24,00,000

                    31 March, 2020      115   100%  46,00,000          10,50,000           34,50,000

                    31 March, 2021      130   100%  52,00,000          17,50,000           52,00,000

                                                     Journal Entries

                    31 March, 2018
                    Employee benefits expenses/Profit and Loss A/c       Dr.   11,00,000
                         To Share based payment liability                                   11,00,000
                    (Fair value of SARs has been recognised)

                    31 March, 2019
                    Employee benefits expenses/Profit and Loss A/c       Dr.   13,00,000
                         To Share based payment liability                                  13,00,000
                    (Fair value of SARs has been re-measured)

                    31 March, 2020
                    Employee benefits expenses/Profit and Loss A/c       Dr.   10,50,000
                         To Share based payment liability                                  10,50,000
                    (Fair value of SARs has been recognized)

                    31 March, 2021
                    Employee benefits expenses A/c              Dr.            17,50,000
                         To Share based payment liability                                  17,50,000
                    (Fair value of SARs has been recognized)

             2.  When the term of the awards is modified to 3 years of service instead of 4 years of service

                   Period         Fair   %age of    Cumulative   Expense in proportion to  Cumulative expenses
                                 value    vesting                   the award earned          recognized

                                   a        b      c = 40,000 x  d = [{(c / total years) x        e
                                                      a x b      years completed} – e of
                                                                       pvs year]

                1 April, 2017     100      100%     40,00,000              -                      -

               31 March, 2018     110      100%     44,00,000           11,00,000              11,00,000

               31 March, 2019     120      100%     48,00,000           21,00,000             32,00,000

              31 March, 2020      115      100%     46,00,000           14,00,000             46,00,000
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