Page 7 - 20. COMPILER QB - INDAS 102
P. 7

Position on 1st Year        Position on 2nd Year     Position on 3rd Year
                      -  No. of employees left    -  Employees left = 35   -  Employees left = 28
                         = 40
                      -  Estimate of employees to   -  Estimate of employees   - Employees    exercising
                         leave in Year 2 = 36        to leave in Year 3 = 30  Options in Group III = 295

                      -  Estimate of employees to   -  Employees exercising
                         leave in Year 3 = 34        Options in Group II =
                      -  Employees exercising
                         Options in Group I
                         = 350
        Options not exercised immediately on vesting, were forfeited. Compute expenses to recognise in each year and
        show important accounts in the books of the company.

        Total number of Options per employee = 60

                   Group I - 20% vesting in Year Group II - 40% vesting in Year  Group III - 40% vesting in Yr. 3
                   1                          2
                   = 12 options,              = 24 options,               = 24 options,
                   Vesting period = 1 Yr.     Vesting period = 2 Yrs.     Vesting period = 3 Yrs.
                   Computation of Expenses for all the years

       Group = No. of Options   Group I = 12    Group II = 24 Options             Group III = 24 Options
                                   Year 1       Year 1       Year 2       Year 1       Year 2          Year 3

       (a) Employees at year end  400 - 40 =   400 - 40 =   360 - 35 =   400 - 40 =   360 - 35 =    325 - 28 =
        = [Opening
       No. of Employees -           360          360          325          360          325             297
       (b) Expected to leave in     NA            36          NA       36 + 34 =         30             NA
        future                                                             70
       (c) No. of                   360          324          325          290          295             297
       employees eligible (a - b)

       (d) Options             (360 x 12 sh.)  (324 x 24   (325 x 24    (290 x 24    (295 x 24       (297 x 24
       expected to Vest =                        sh.)         sh.)        sh.)          sh.)           sh.)
       [(c) x No. of Shares]       4,320        7,776        7,800        6,960        7,080           7,128
       (e) FV per option =         Rs. 10      Rs. 12.50    Rs. 12.50     Rs. 14       Rs. 14          Rs. 14
       (f) Value of Total Options   Rs. 43,200   Rs. 97,200   Rs. 97,500   Rs. 97,440   Rs. 99,120    Rs. 99,792
       = [d x e]
       (g) Total                              [(f) x 1/2]   [(f) x 2/2]   [(f) x 1/3]   [(f) x 2/3]   [(f) x 3/3]
       Cumulative Cost of Options
       = [(f) x Completed Yrs/                Rs. 48,600   Rs. 97,500   Rs.32,480    Rs.66,080       Rs. 99,792
        Total Yrs)               Rs. 43,200
       (h) Less:                     0            0        Rs. 48,600       0        Rs.32,480       Rs. 66,080
       Recognized in last years

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   2   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12