Page 14 - 32. ANALYSIS OF FS
P. 14

Opening balance            550
                                   Additions                  950             1,500
                                   Reserve for foreseeable loss                400
                                   Total                                      2,400

        Note 2: Long-term borrowings

                                   Term loan from bank                        5,700
                                   Total                                      5,700
        Note 3: Deferred tax
                                   Deferred tax asset                          700
                                   Deferred tax liability                     400
                                   Total                                      300
        Note 4: Other current liabilities
                                   Unclaimed dividends                         10
                                   Billing in advance                          150
                                   Other current liabilities                   40
                                   Total                                       200
        Note 5: Trade Receivables
                              Considered good (outstanding within 6 months)         1,065
                              Considered doubtful (due from past 1 year)             40
                              Provision for doubtful debts                          (5)
                              Total                                                 1,100

        Additional information:
        (i)  Share capital comprises of 100 lakh shares of Rs 10each.
        (ii)  Term Loan from bank for Rs 5,700 lakh also includes interest accrued and due of Rs 700 lakh as on the
             reporting date.
        (iii) Reserve for foreseeable loss is created against a service contract due within 6months.

        (iv) Inventory should be valued at cost Rs 1,500 lakh, NRV as on date is Rs1,200 lakh.
        (v)  Adividendof10%wasdeclaredbytheBoardofdirectorsofthecompany.
        (vi) Accrued Interest income of Rs 300 lakh is not booked in the books of the company.
        (vii) Deferred taxes related to taxes on income are levied by the same governing tax laws.
        Identify and report the errors and misstatements in the above extracts and prepare corrected Balance Sheet
        and  Statement  of  Profit  &  Loss  and  where  required  the  relevant  notes  to  the  accounts  with  explanations


        Following adjustments / rectifications are required to be done
        1.  Reserve for foreseeable loss for Rs 400 lakh, due within 6 months, should be a part of provisions. Hence
             it needs to be regrouped. If it was also part of previous year’s comparatives, a note should be added in
             the notes to account on the regrouping done this year.
        2.  Interest accrued and due of Rs 700 lakh on term loan will be a part of current liabilities.

             Thus, it should be shown under the heading “Other Current Liabilities”.
        3.  As per Ind AS 2, inventories are measured at the lower of cost and net real is able value. The amount of
             any write down of inventories to net realisable value is recognised as an expense in the period the write-

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