Page 16 - 32. ANALYSIS OF FS
P. 16

TOTAL                                                        9,900

                                     Statement of Profit and Loss of Abraham Ltd.

                                           For the year ended 31stMarch, 2019
                                                                             Note No.    (Rs in
                        Revenue from operations                                           6,000
                        Other income                                                       300
                        Total income                                                      6,300
                        Operating costs                                                   3,199
                        Change in inventories cost                              9          300
                        Employee benefits expense                                         1,200
                        Depreciation                                                       450
                        Total expenses                                                    5,149
                        Profit before tax                                                 1,151
                        Tax expense                                                       (201)
                        Profit for the period                                              950
                        Earnings per equity share
                        Basic                                                              9.5
                        Diluted                                                            9.5
                        Number of equity shares (face value of Rs 10 each)               100 lakh

                                    Statement of Changes in Equity of Abraham Ltd.
                                           For the year ended 31stMarch, 2019
        3.  Equity Share Capital                                              (Rs in lakh)

                              Balance at the       Changes in Equity     Balance at the end of
                             beginning of the     share capital during    the reporting period
                              reporting period         the year
                                   1,000                   0                     1,000
        4.  Other Equity                                                      (Rs in lakh)
                                         Particulars                  Reserves & Surplus    Total
                                                                      Capital   Retained
                                                                      reserve    Earnings
                         Balance at the beginning of the year          500*        550      1,050
                         Total comprehensive income for the year                   950      950
                         Balance at the end of the year                 500       1,500    2,000
        *Note: Capital reserve given in the Note 1 of the question is assumed to be brought forward from the previous
        year. However, alternatively, if it may be assumed as created during the year.

        1.  Deferred Tax                                                          (Rs in lakh)
                           Deferred Tax Asset                                         700
                           Deferred Tax Liability                                     400

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