Page 17 - 32. ANALYSIS OF FS
P. 17

2.  Trade Receivables                                                     (Rs in lakh)
                           Trade receivables considered good                             1,065
                           Trade  receivables  which  have  significant  increase  in  credit   40
                           Less: Provision for doubtful debts                     (5)     35
                           Total                                                         1,100
        5.  Long Term Borrowings                                                  (Rs in lakh)

                           Term Loan from Bank (5,700 - 700)                            5,000
                           Total                                                        5,000
        6.  Other Financial Liabilities                                           (Rs in lakh)
                           Unclaimed dividends                                           10
                           Interest on term loan                                         700
                           Total                                                         710
        7.  Short-term provisions                                                 (Rs in lakh)
                           Provisions                                                    300
                           Foreseeable loss against a service contract                   400
                           Total                                                         700
        8.  Other Current Liabilities                                             (Rs in lakh)
                           Billing in Advance                                            150
                           Other                                                         40
                           Total                                                         190

        9.  Dividends not recognised at the end of the reporting period
        At year end, the directors have recommended the payment of dividend of 10% i.e., Rs 1 per equity share. This
        proposed dividend is subject to the approval of shareholders in the ensuing annual general meeting.

        Q5 (Nov. 20 Exam)

        On 1 April 2020, Star Limited has advanced a housing loan of Rs. 15 lakhs to one of its employee at an
        interest rate of 6% per annum which is repayable in 5 equal annual installments along with interest at each
        year end. Employee is not required to give any specific performance against this benefit. The market rate of
        similar loan for housing finance by banks is 10% per annum.

        The accountant of the company has recognized the staff loan in the balance sheet equivalent to the amount
        of housing loan disbursed i.e. Rs. 15 lakhs. The interest income for the year is recognized at the contracted
        rate in the Statement of Profit and Loss by the company i.e. Rs. 90,000 (6% of Rs. 15 lakhs).

        Analyze whether the above accounting treatment made by the accountant is in compliance with the relevant

        Ind AS. If not, advise the correct treatment of housing loan, interest and other expenses in the financial
        statements of Star Limited for the year 2020 -2021 along with workings and applicable Ind AS.

        You are required to explain how the housing loan should be reflected in the Ind AS compliant Balance Sheet
        of Star Limited on 31 March 2021.

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