Page 8 - 34.2 FR MARCH 22 MTP ANSWER
P. 8

Pro-rata allocation of Land  12% (1,500/12,600)       36%          52%           100%
                                                              (4,500/12,600)    (6,600/12,600)
                 Allocation of carrying          216               648              936           1,800
                 amount of Land (b)
                 Carrying amount (after          1,716            2,898             4,236        8,850
                 allocation of Land) (a+b)

        Calculation of impairment loss

        Step I: Impairment losses for individual cash-generating units and its allocation:
        (a)  Impairment loss of each cash-generating units
                                                                                     (Rs. in crore)
                        Particulars                            Train  Railway station  Railway tracks

                        Carrying amount (after allocation of land)   1,716    2,898         4,236
                        Recoverable amount                     1,800          2,700          4,200
                        Impairment loss                            -             198           36

        (b)  Allocation of the impairment loss
                                                                                        (Rs. in crore)
                        Allocation to         Railway                        Railway
                                              station                        tracks
                        Land                      44     [198 x (648 / 2,898)]    8      [36 x (936 /
                        Other assets in cash-               [198 x (2,250 /             [36 x (3,300/
                        generating units          154          2,898)]           28        4,236)]
                        Impairment loss          198                             36

        Step II: Impairment losses for the larger cash-generating unit, i.e., Pacific Ocean Railway Ltd. as a whole
                                                                                        (Rs. in crore)

                     Particulars         Train    Railway    Railway   Land    Building  Pacific Ocean
                                                  station    tracks                      Railway Ltd.
                     Carrying amount     1,500     2,250      3,300    1,800     600        9,450
                     Impairment   loss     -       (154)      (28)     (52)       -        (234)
                     (Step I)
                     Carrying   amount   1,500     2,096      3,272    1,748     600        9,216
                     (after Step I)
                     Recoverable                                                            9,600
                     Impairment loss for the ‘larger’ cash-generating unit (company as a
                     whole                                                                        Nil

        (b)                                                EITHER
        The term ‘contract’ is defined in Ind AS 115 as an agreement between two or more parties that creates
        enforceable rights and obligations. In the given case:
            Gifts are distributed by MIL to doctors as a part of its sales promotion activities without there being an

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