Page 229 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 229

QNO      Reporting in AUP                                                       New Course – (SM23)
          4400.300 TITANIUM CNO-- SRS 4400.100
                   A company asks you to carry out process of confirmation of its accounts receivables having balances in
                   excess of ₹ 10 lacs as per its books of accounts at the close of the year. The work to be performed only
                   involves preparing and sending confirmation requests to such parties, analysis of variations on receipt of
                   confirmations and submission of a report in accordance with professional standards. What points have to
                   be kept in mind for inclusion in report specifically for such engagement?
          Answer  The report of factual findings should contain: -

                   Addressee: The report of factual findings should contain the addressee (ordinarily, the appointing authority).
                   Identification  of  Specific  Information:  Identification  of  specific  financial  or  non-financial  information  to
                   which the agreed-upon procedures have been applied.
                   Purpose  of  the  Procedures:  Identification  of  the  purpose  for  which  the  agreed-upon  procedures  were
                   Statement of Procedures Performed: A statement that the procedures performed were those agreed-upon
                   with the recipient.
                   Compliance  with  Standard  on  Related  Services:  A  statement  that  the  engagement  was  performed  in
                   accordance with the Standard on Related Services applicable to agreed-upon procedures engagements.
                   Listing of Specific Procedures: A listing of the specific procedures performed.
                   Factual Findings: A description of the auditor’s factual findings including sufficient details of errors and
                   exceptions found.
                   No Assurance Statement: A statement that the procedures performed do not constitute either an audit or a
                   review and, as such, no assurance is expressed.
                   Potential  Additional  Findings  Statement:  A  statement  that  had  the  auditor  performed  additional
                   procedures, an audit or a review, other matters might have come to light that would have been reported.
                   Report Restriction Statement: A statement that the report is restricted to those parties that have agreed to
                   the procedures to be performed.
                   Report Limitation Statement: A statement (when applicable) that the report relates only to the elements,
                   accounts, items or financial and non-financial information specified and that it does not extend to the entity’s
                   financial statements taken as a whole.
                   Date of the Report: The date of the report should be included.
                   Place of Signature: The place of signature should be stated.
                   Auditor’s Signature: The report should contain the auditor’s signature.

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