Page 264 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 264

IMPORTANT – Recent Change in answer.
                   Last para of the answer has changed recently. Earlier in the answer provided by the institute, it was
                   mentioned  that  while  considering  the  observations  of  the  component  auditor  in  his  report  on  the
                   standalone financial statements, the concept of materiality would “not “be considered.
                   However, this was inconsistent with SA 600 which requires to consider the concept of materiality while
                   giving observations in audit report of Consolidated financial statement.
                   The impact of including the word “not” was that, the component auditor’s observation was mandatory
                   to  be  included  in  audit  report  of  Consolidated  financial  statement  irrespective  of  whether  the
                   component was material or not.
                   Such inconsistency has been removed after removal of the word “not”.

          QNO      Dealing with Modifications in Audit Report of Subsidiary                 Old Course- (N22M)
          442.500  TITANIUM CNO— GA.120
                   T Ltd. is holding 68% share of B Ltd, 51% share of C Ltd. RS & Co. Chartered Accountants are the statutory
                   auditors of T Ltd. MN & Co. Chartered Accountants are the statutory auditors of B Ltd. and C Ltd. MN &
                   Co have qualified the report of B Ltd. due to material discrepancies in standalone financial statement.
                   While framing the opinion on Consolidated Financial Statement of T Ltd., RS & Co. (Principal Auditor)
                   have ignored the qualification of B Ltd. considering it not material at Group Level. Comment.
          Answer  In carrying out the audit of the standalone financial statements, the computation of materiality for the
                   purpose of issuing an opinion on the standalone financial statements of each component would be done

                   component-wise on a standalone basis. However, with regard to determination of materiality during the
                   audit of consolidated financial statements (CFS), the auditor should consider the following:

                     •  The auditor is required to compute the materiality for the group as a whole. This materiality should
                        be used to assess the appropriateness of the consolidation adjustments (i.e. permanent consolidation
                        adjustments and current period consolidation adjustments)

                     •  The parent auditor can also use the materiality computed on the group level to determine whether
                        the component's financial statements are material to the group to determine whether they should
                        scope in additional components, and consider using the work of other auditors as applicable.

                     •  The  principal  auditor  also  computes  materiality  for  each  component  and  communicates  to  the
                        component auditor, if he believes is required for true and fair view on CFS.

                     •  The principal auditor also obtains certain confirmations from component auditor like independence,
                        code of ethics, certain information required for consolidation and disclosure requirements etc.

                   However,  while  considering  the  observations  (for  instance  modification  and  /or  emphasis  of  matter  in
                   accordance  with  SA  705/706)  of  the  component  auditor  in  his  report  on  the  standalone  financial
                   statements, the principles of SA 600 needs to be considered., The parent auditor should comply with the
                   requirements of SA 600, “Using the Work of Another Auditor”. Therefore, the concept of materiality would
                   be considered while considering the observations of the component auditor. Hence RS & Co. cannot ignore
                   the qualification of B Ltd. while framing the opinion on consolidated financial statements of T Ltd.

          QNO     Management Representations in Consolidation                             New Course – (SM23)
          442.600 TITANIUM CNO -- GA.320
                  CA. Kajal Gupta is nearing completion of audit of consolidated financial statements of Rubic Paints and
                  Chemicals  Limited.  She  requires  written  representations  from  the  parent’s  management  on  matters
                  material to the consolidated financial statements. What specific matters such written representations can
          Answer  The auditor of the consolidated financial statements should obtain written representations from parent‘s
                  management  on  matters  material  to  the  consolidated  financial  statements.  Examples  of  such
                  representations include:

                     (a)  Completeness of components included in the consolidated financial statements;
                     (b)  Identification of reportable segments for segment reporting
                     (c)  Identification of related parties and related party transactions for reporting
                     (d)  Appropriateness  and  completeness  of  permanent  and  current  period  consolidation  adjustments,
                                             PARAM                                                                   13.13 | P a g e
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