Page 265 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 265

including the elimination of intra-group transactions.

                  Reporting              Old Course – (M17R, M17E, M18R, N18M, M18M, M20M, SM21, N21M, M22R,
          QNO     TITANIUM CNO—
          443.000                                                                                       N23M)
                  GA.340                                                                   New Course – (SM23)
                  You are appointed as an auditor of Nawab Limited, a listed company which is a main supplier to the UK
                  building  and  construction  market.  With  a  turnover  of  2.9  billion,  the  company  operates  through  11
                  business units and has nearly 180 branches across the countries. As an auditor, how will you draft the
                  report in case:
                      (a)  When the Parent’s Auditor is also the Auditor of all its Components?
                      (b)  When the Parent’s Auditor is not the Auditor of all its Components?
                      (c)  When  the  Component(s)  Auditor  Reports  on  Financial  Statements  under  an  Accounting
                          Framework Different than that of the Parent?
                      (d)  When the Component(s) Auditor Reports under an Auditing Framework Different  than that of
                          the Parent?
                      (e)  Where the financial statements of one or more components is not audited
                  C Ltd is holding 55% shares of D Ltd M/s AB & Associates are statutory auditors of C Ltd whereas for D Ltd
                  there is another firm appointed as statutory auditors What are the reporting responsibilities of M/s AB &
                  Associates for audit of consolidated financial statements?
          Answer    (a) Parents auditor  While  drafting  the  audit  report,  the  auditor  should  report  whether  Principles  /
                       = Auditor of all   procedures for preparation / presentation is as per accounting standard.

                                      In  case  of  any  departure  or  deviation,  the  auditor  should  make  adequate
                                      disclosure  in  the  audit  report  so  that  users  of  the  consolidated  financial
                                      statements are aware of such deviation.

                                      Auditor should issue an audit report expressing opinion whether the -consolidated
                                      financial statements, (at b/s date)
                                      -consolidated profit and loss statement (during the year)
                                      -cash flow (if prepared)
                                      give a true and fair view of the state of affairs of the Group.
                    (b) Parents       The auditor of the CFS should consider the requirement of SA 600.
                       Auditor not    As per SA 706-
                       Same as        if the auditor considers it necessary to make reference to the audit of the other
                       component      auditors i.e. considers it material, the auditor’s report on the CFS should disclose
                       auditor        clearly the  magnitude of the  portion of the  financial statements audited by the
                                      other auditor(s).

                                      This may be done by stating in aggregate:
                                      Rs or % of total assets, revenues and cash flows of components included in the CFS
                                      not audited by the parent’s auditor.

                                      Above should be presented before giving effect to permanent and current period
                                      consolidation adjustments.
                                      Reference in audit report of CFS that part of the audit of the group was made by
                                      other auditor(s) is not to be construed as a qualification of the opinion but rather
                                      as an indication of the divided responsibility between the auditors of the parent
                                      and its components.
                    (c) FRF of        The parent may have  components located outside  India applying an accounting
                       component is   framework (GAAP) that is different than that of the parent in preparing its FST.
                       different from     When  a  component’s  FST  are  prepared  under  an  accounting  framework  that  is
                       FRF of Parent
                                      different than that of the framework used by the parent in preparing group’s CFS ,
                                      the parent’s management  perform a conversion of the components’ audited FST
                                      from the framework used by the component to the framework under which the
                                      CFS are prepared.

                                      The conversion adjustments are audited by the principal auditor to ensure that the
                                             PARAM                                                                   13.14 | P a g e
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