Page 298 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 298

Investments”  (to  the  extent  they  are  not  inconsistent  with  the  Directions)  have  been  duly
                           complied with by the NBFC.

                  (Securities Lending / Borrowing)
                       ➢  Verify charges received or paid in respect of securities lend/borrowed.
                       ➢  Obtain  a  confirmation  from  the  approved  intermediary  regarding  securities  deposited  with/
                           borrowed from it as at they earned.

          QNO     Hire Purchase Co (Audit)-                          Old Course – (M09E, N13R, SM17, PM17, M17R)
          518.000  TITANIUM CNO—NBFC.280
                  You  are  appointed  as  the  auditor  of  a  Hire-Purchase  Finance  Company.  Enumerate  the  verification

                  procedures in relation to audit of such Non-Banking Financial Company.
                  (Internal Control System)
                      ➢  Ascertain  whether  the  NBFC  has  an  adequate  appraisal  system  for  extending  hire  purchase
                         finance. The system of appraisal is basically concerned with obtaining information regarding the
                         credit worthiness of the hirer, his experience in the field, assets owned, his past track record and
                         future projections of his income.

                  (Acquisition of Asset)
                      ➢  Verify that the payment for acquiring an asset should be made directly to the supplier/dealer and
                         that the original invoice has been drawn out in the name of the NBFC.

                  (Registration Certificate)
                      ➢  If the hire purchase finance is against vehicles, check whether the registration certificate contains
                         an endorsement in favour of the hire purchase company.
                      ➢  Verify that the assets given on hire purchase have been adequately insured against.

                  (Installation & Valuation Report)
                      ➢  In the case of high value hire purchase items relating to machinery/equipment, an auditor should
                         ascertain whether the valuation reports and installation reports are called for. In case of some
                         high value items, he should also physically verify the asset in possession of the hirers, particularly
                         in a situation where he has any doubts as regards the genuineness of the transaction.
                      ➢  Check whether hire purchase instalments are being received regularly as and when they fall due.
                         Check  whether  adequate  provision  has  been  made  for  overdue  hire  purchase  instalments  as
                         required by the NBFC Prudential Norms directions.
                  (Method of Accounting)
                      ➢  Examine  the  method  of  accounting  followed  by  the  hire  purchase  finance  company  for
                         appropriation  of  finance  charges  over  the  period  of  the  hire  purchase  contract.  Ascertain  that
                         there  is  no  change  in  the  method  of  accounting  as  compared  to  the  immediately  preceding
                         previous year.
                      ➢  The auditor should verify whether the NBFC has a system in place for verifying the hire purchase
                         assets periodically to ensure that the hirers have not sold the assets or otherwise encumbered

          QNO     Equipment Leasing Co (Audit)-              Old Course – (M07E, M10E,N10R, N15R, M16M, PM17)
          519.000  TITANIUM CNO—NBFC.300
                  Write a short note on the special points that may be covered in the audit of equipment leasing finance

                  (Internal Control System)
                      ➢  Ascertain whether the NBFC has an adequate appraisal system for extending equipment leasing

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