Page 312 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 312

QNO     Comprehensive Audit               Old Course--(M09R, N10R, N11R, N12R, M14R, N14R, N15R, M16M,
          599.000  TITANIUM CNO – PSU.120         N16R, PM17, M17M, N17R, M18M, N18R, N18E, M19R, N19M, M20R,
                                                                  N20M, N20E, SM21, M21M, N21M, M22M, N22M)
                                                                                           New Course-- (SM23)
                  The Comptroller and Auditor General of India has appointed a chartered accountant firm to conduct the
                  comprehensive audit of Metro Company Limited (a listed government company) which is handling the
                  Metro  project  of  the metropolitan  city for  the  period  ending 31-03-2020. The work  to  be  conducted
                  under  Project  A  handled  by  the  Metro  Company  Limited  was  of  laying  down  railway  line  of  124
                  kilometres.  [The  chartered  accountant  firm  reviewed  the  internal  audit  report  and  observed  the
                  shortcoming reported about the performance of Project A regarding the understatement of the Current
                  liabilities and Capital work in progress by Rs. 84.68 crore.] Explain some of the matters to be undertaken
                  by the chartered accountant firm while conducting the comprehensive audit of Metro Company Limited.

                  The  Comptroller  and  Auditor  General  assists  the  legislature  in  reviewing  the  performance  of  public
                  undertakings. He conducts an efficiency-cum-performance audit other than the field which has already
                  been covered either by the internal audit of the individual concerns or by the professional auditors. He
                  locates the area of weakness for managements’ information. Explain stating clearly the issues examined
                  in comprehensive audit.

                  The areas covered in comprehensive audit vary from enterprise to enterprise depending on the nature of
                  the enterprise, its objectives and operations. You are required to list down some of the broad areas to be
                  examined in comprehensive audit.
                  XYZ  &  Co.,  a  CA.  firm  was  appointed  by  C&AG  to  conduct  comprehensive  audit  of  ABC  Public
                  undertaking.  C&AG  advised  to  cover  areas  such  as  investment  decisions,  project  formulation,
                  organisational  effectiveness,  capacity  utilisation,  management  of  equipment,  plant  and  machinery,
                  production  performance,  use  of  materials,  productivity  of  labour,  idle  capacity,  costs  and  prices,
                  materials management, sales and credit control, budgetary and internal control systems, etc.
                  Discuss stating the issues examined in comprehensive audit.
                  Solar Limited is a public sector undertaking engaged in production of electricity from solar power. It has
                  started a new project near Pondicherry with a new technology for a cost of` 9,750 crore. Though there is
                  delay  in  commencement  of  project  and  accordingly,  there  has  been  overrun  in  the  cost.  State  the
                  matters C&AG while conducting Comprehensive Audit may cover in reporting on the performance and
                  efficiency of this project.
          Answer      ➢  The Comptroller and Auditor General assist the legislature in reviewing the performance of public
                         undertakings.  He  conducts an  efficiency-cum-performance  audit  other than  the  field  which  has

                         already been covered either by the internal audit of the individual concerns or by the professional
                         auditors. He locates the area of weakness and extravagance for managements’ information

                      ➢  The areas covered in comprehensive audit naturally vary from enterprise to enterprise depending
                         on the nature of the enterprise, its objectives and operations. However, in general, the covered
                         areas are those of investment decisions, project formulation, organizational effectiveness, capacity
                         utilization,  management  of  equipment,  plant  and  machinery,  production  performance,  use  of
                         materials, productivity of labour, idle capacity, costs and prices, materials management, sales and
                         credit control, budgetary and internal control systems, etc.

                      ➢  Areas to be covered:
                         The areas covered in comprehensive audit naturally vary from enterprise to enterprise depending
                         on the nature of the enterprise,  its objectives and operations. Some  of the  issues examined in
                         comprehensive audit are: (Below points should be explained in sentence form to make answer
                         more presentable)

                                 Research and development programmes.
                                 Project planning.

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