Page 313 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 313

Systems of project formulation and implementation.
                                 Comparison of the overall capital cost of the project with the approved planned costs.
                                 Accepted  production  or  operational  outputs  been  achieved?  Has  there  been
                                 underutilization of installed capacity or shortfall in performance?
                                 Cost control measures adequate and are there inefficiencies, wastages in raw materials
                                 consumption, etc.
                                 Undue waste, unproductive time for men and machines, wasteful utilization or even non-
                                 utilization of resources.
                                 Effective and economical.
                                 Planned rate of return.
                                 System of repairs and maintenance.

                      ➢  The efficiency and effectiveness audit of public enterprises is conducted on the basis of certain
                         standards and criteria. Profit is not the key criterion on performance; management’s performance
                         in the economical and efficient use of public funds and in the achievement of objectives is more
                         relevant.  Public  enterprises  have  been  set  up  with  certain  socio-economic  purposes  and  for
                         fulfillment of certain objectives. The objectives vary from enterprise to enterprise. Audit appraisal
                         analyses  the  performance  of  an  enterprise  to  bring  out  the  extent  to  which  the  objectives  for
                         which the enterprise was set up have been served.

          QNO     Performance Audit Planning           Old Course-- (M14E, SM17, PM17, N17R, M18M, SM21, M22R)
          599.200  TITANIUM CNO – PSU.175                                                  New Course-- (SM23)
                  The objectives of audit in connection with a State Electricity Distribution Company were to ascertain
                  whether the:
                  (i)  total  cost  of  providing  electricity  is  being  recovered  by  timely  submissions  to  the  State  Electricity
                  Regulatory Commission;
                  (ii) tariff orders, sales circulars and sales instructions were issued timely, without any ambiguity. They

                  were implemented in time;
                  (iii) metering, billing and collection was managed efficiently and effectively;
                  (iv) monitoring and internal controls were efficient.
                  What kind of  audit is referred in the above scenario? Also briefly discuss the steps suggested to the
                  auditors for planning such an audit.
          Answer      ➢  In the given scenario, in view of the objectives discussed, performance audit is being referred.

                         The following steps are suggested to the auditors for planning while conducting the performance

                         (A)  Understanding  the  Entity/Programme  -  It  is  the  starting  point  for  planning  individual
                         performance audit.

                      ➢  The auditor may use the following sources for understanding the entity:
                         (i) Documents of the entity: Documents on administration and functions of the entity, policy files,
                         annual reports, budget documents, accounts, minutes of meetings, information on the website,
                         internal audit reports, electronic databases and MIS reports, RTI material etc.
                         (ii) Legislative documents: Legislation, parliamentary questions and debates, reports of the Public
                         Accounts Committee, the Committee on Public Undertakings, the Estimates Committee, and
                         letters from Members of Parliament.

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