Page 315 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 315

                                    •  assess and establish with evidence whether the observed direct or indirect social
                                        and economic impacts of a policy are due to the policy or to other causes;

                                    •  assess  the  effectiveness  of  the  program  and/or  of  individual  program

                                    •  determine whether management has considered alternatives for carrying out the
                                        program that might yield desired results more effectively or at a lower cost;
                                    •  identify ways of making programmes work more effectively.
                                    •  assess whether the programme complements, duplicates, overlaps or counteracts
                                        other related programmes;
                  Author’s Note
                  There is controversy in this question — Answer provided as per May 16 RTP / Nov 18 RTP / Nov 18 exams
                  differ from each other, I think answer of Nov 18 RTP is best and recent, answer for Nov 18 Exams is too
                  short Above is the answer as per Nov 18 RTP which should be followed.

          QNO     Performance Audit - Audit Report Rejected                          Old Course-- (N22R, M23M)
          600.005  #Unique
                  "Comptroller  &  Auditor  General  appointed  Sambhav  &  Associates,  a  chartered  accountant  firm,  to
                  conduct Performance audit of MAP Ltd., a public sector undertaking of Government of India. The firm
                  conducted the audit with a view to check all the expenses of the unit are in conformity with the public
                  interest and publicly accepted customs. The audit report submitted by audit firm was rejected by C&AG.
                  Give your opinion on the action of C&AG."
          Answer   In the given scenario, C&AG appointed Sambhav & Associates, a chartered accountant firm, to conduct
                  Performance Audit of MAP Ltd., a PSU of Government of India. The firm conducted audit with a view to

                  check all the expenses of the unit are in conformity to the public interest and publicly accepted customs
                  which is not Performance Audit.

                  A performance audit is an objective and systematic examination of evidence for the purpose of providing
                  an  independent  assessment  of  the  performance  of  a  government  organization,  program,  activity,  or
                  function in order to provide information to improve public accountability and facilitate decision-making by
                  parties with responsibility to oversee or initiate corrective action.

                  Performance  audit  in  PSUs  is  conducted  by  the  C&AG  (Supreme  Audit  Institutions)  through  various
                  subordinate offices of Indian Audit and Accounts Department (IAAD). In conducting performance audit, the
                  subordinate offices are guided by manual and auditing standards prescribed by C&AG.

                  Therefore, the objectives of performance auditing are evaluation of economy, efficiency, and effectiveness
                  of policy, programmes, organization and management. It also promotes accountability by assisting those
                  charged  with  governance  and  oversight  responsibilities  to  improve  performance;  and  transparency  by
                  affording  taxpayers,  those  targeted  by  government  policies  and  other  stakeholders  an  insight  into  the
                  management and outcomes of different government activities.

                  Performance auditing focuses on areas in which it can add value which have the greatest potential for
                  development. It provides constructive incentives for the responsible parties to take appropriate action.

                  Regulations on Audit and Accounts issued by C&AG lay down that the responsibility for the development of
                  measurable  objectives  and  performance  indicators  as  also  the  systems  of  measurement  rests  with  the
                  Government departments or Heads of  entities. They are  also required to define  intermediate  and final
                  outputs and outcomes in measurable and monitorable  terms, standardise the  unit cost of  delivery and
                  benchmark quality of outputs and outcomes.

                  Thus, rejection of audit report (submitted by audit firm) by C&AG is in order as audit with a view to mere
                  check all the expenses of the unit are in conformity to the public interest and publicly accepted customs
                  done by audit firm is not performance audit in all aspects.

                                                               PARAM                                                                                   15.7 | P a g e
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