Page 317 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 317

Companies, Deemed Government Companies and Corporations
                                  •  Result of comprehensive appraisals of selected undertakings conducted by the Audit
                                  •  Resume of the company auditor’s reports submitted by them under the directions
                                    issued  by  the  CAG  and  that  of  comments  on  the  accounts  of  the  Government
                                  •  Significant  results  of  audit  of  the  undertakings  not  taken  up  for  appraisal  by  the
                                    Audit Board.
                                 For certain specified states, the Comptroller and Auditor General submit a separate audit
                                 report  (commercial)  to  the  legislature,  while  for  other  States/Union  Territories  with
                                 legislature,  there  is  a  commercial  chapter  in  the  main  audit  report.  The  State  audit
                                 reports,  contains  both  the  results  of  audit  appraisal  of  performance  of  selected
                                 companies/corporations  as  well  as  important  individual  instances  of  financial
                                 irregularities, wasteful expenditure, system deficiencies noticed by the statutory auditors,
                                 comments noticed in Government audit in the audit functions of certification of accounts
                                 and a general review of the working results of Government companies and corporations.
                  Author’s Note
                  Above answer has been explained and summarized below to make it answer easy to understand.

                   •  Out of Audit Reports by CAs and Audit Reports by CAG Teams submitted to CAG Departments some
                      are taken for appraisal by Audit Boards. So some audit reports are analyzed by audit reports and
                      some are left out.

                   •  First Section of Answer is Parts of Audit Report on Government Undertaking
                        1st Part — Introduction of Government Entity
                        2nd Part — Result of Comprehensive Appraisal of Audit Board (If Selected by audit board)
                        3rd Part — Summary of Company Auditor’s Report on Government Entity
                        4th Part — Significant Results of Audit Report by CAG Team on Government Entity (If not selected
                        by audit board)
                        So Either 2nd Part will Come or 4th Part will come

                   •  Second section says that in big industrial states like Maharashtra there can be separate report on
                      commercial activities by government or it can be included in main report as separate chapter. State
                      wise reports will also explain instances of irregularities and wastage.

                  Functioning of Finance Committee & Role of                              Old Course-- (N18M)
          QNO     C&AG –
                  TITANIUM CNO – PSU.260
                  The  Comptroller  &Auditor  General  of   India   plays   a   key   role   in   the   functioning   of   the   financial
                  committees  of  Parliament  and  the  State  Legislatures.  He  has  come  to  be  recognized  as  a  'friend,

                  philosopher and guide' of the Committees.  In view of above, you are required to list down any four

          Answer      ➢  The Comptroller  &  Auditor General  of  India  plays  a key  role  in  the  functioning  of  the  financial
                         committees of Parliament and the State Legislatures. He has come to be recognized as a 'friend,

                         philosopher and guide' of the Committees.
                                 His Reports generally form the basis of the Committees' working, although they are not
                                 precluded from examining issues not brought out in his Reports;
                                 He scrutinizes the notes which the Ministries submit to the  Committees and helps the
                                 Committees  to  check  the  correctness  of  submissions  to  the  Committees  and  facts  and
                                 figures in their draft reports;
                                 The Financial Committees present their Report to the Parliament/ State Legislature with
                                 their observations and recommendations.
                                 The  various  Ministries  /  Department  of  the  Government  are  required  to  inform  the
                                 Committees  of  the  action  taken  by  them  on  the  recommendations  of  the  Committees
                                 (which  are  generally  accepted)  and  the  Committees  present  Action  Taken  Reports  to
                                 Parliament / Legislature;
                                 In  respect  of  those  Audit  Reports,  which  could  not  be  discussed  in  detail  by  the
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