Page 319 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 319

•  criteria used by the same entity or other entities in similar activities or programmes.
                            •  independent expert opinion and know how.
                            •  new or established scientific knowledge and other reliable information.
                            •  general management and subject matter literature and research papers

          QNO      “Government Company” definition-                                        Old Course-- (SM21)
          605.500  TITANIUM CNO -- Unique                                                 New Course-- (SM23)
                  BT  Ltd,  a  company  wholly  owned  by  central  government  was  disinvested  during  the  previous  year,
                  resulting in 40% of the shares being held by public. The shares were also listed on the BSE. Since the
                  shares were listed, all the listing requirements were applicable, including publication of quarterly results,
                  submission of information to the BSE etc.

                  Sam, the FM of the company is of the opinion that now the company is subject to stringent control by
                  BSE and the markets, therefore the auditing requirements of a limited company in private sector under
                  the Companies Act 2013 would be applicable to the company and the C&AG will not have any role to
                  play. Comment.
                    ➢  Section 2(45) of the Companies Act, 2013, defines a “Government Company” as
                        •  A  company  in  which  not  less  than  51%  of  the  paid-up  share  capital  is  held  by  the  Central
                            Government or by any State Government or Governments or partly by the Central Government
                            and partly by one or more State Governments and includes a company which is a subsidiary
                            company of such a Government company.
                        •  The auditors of these government companies are firms of Chartered Accountants, appointed by
                            the Comptroller & Auditor General, who gives the auditor directions on the manner in which
                            the audit should be conducted by them.
                        •  The listing of company’s shares on a stock exchange is irrelevant for this purpose and hence
                            Sam’s opinion is not correct

          elements of Quality Review Report.

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