Page 333 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 333

the above, and based on the trend of operating results, the accountant has to advise the acquiring
                        enterprise, through due diligence report, on the indicative valuation of the business. The exercise to
                        evaluate the balance sheet of the company has to take into consideration the basis upon which
                        assets have been valued and liabilities have been recognized. The net worth of the business has to
                        be arrived at by taking into account the impact of over/under valuation of assets and liabilities.

                     ➢  Cash Flow: A review of historical cash flows and their pattern would reflect the cash generating
                        abilities  of  the  company  and  should  highlight  the  major  trends.  It  is  important  to  know  if  the
                        company is able to meet its cash requirements through internal accruals or does it have to seek
                        external help from time to time. It is necessary to check:
                                Whether  the  company  is  able  to  honour its  commitments to  its trade  payables,  to the
                                banks, to government and other stakeholders;
                                How well is the company able to turn its trade receivables and inventories;
                                How well does it deploy its funds; and
                                Whether any funds are lying idle or is the company able to reap maximum benefits out of
                                the available funds.

                     ➢  Statutory Compliance: This is one area that has to be examined in detail. It is important to make a
                        list of laws that are applicable to the entity as well as to make a checklist of compliance required
                        from the company under those laws. If the company has not been regular in its legal compliance, it
                        could  lead  to  punitive  charges  under  the  law.  The  impact  on  such  violations  be  quantified  and
                        assessed in respect of entity; financial status and even on its governing concern status.

                     ➢  Human Resources: In the Indian context, the status of work force, staff and employees is a complex
                        problem. It is important to work out how much of the labour force has to be retained. It is also
                        important to judge the  job profile  of the administrative and managerial staff to gauge  which of
                        these  matches  the  requirements  of  the  new  incumbents.  The  aspects  whether  all  employee
                        benefits  like  PF,  Gratuity,  ESI  and  superannuation  have  been  properly  paid/funded.  The  pay
                        packages of the key employees will be thoroughly  reviewed since this can be a crucial factor in
                        future employee costs.
                 (b)The contents of a due diligence report can be discussed under:

                 (Start of the Report)
                     ➢  Terms of reference and scope of verification.
                     ➢  Objective of due diligence.
                     ➢  Brief history of the company including shareholding pattern.

                 (Legal DD Related)
                     ➢  Assessment of possible liabilities on account of litigation and legal proceedings against the company
                        and  suggestion  on  ways  and  means  including  affidavits,  indemnities,  to  be  executed  to  cover
                        unforeseen and undetected contingent liabilities.
                     ➢  Status of franchises, license and patents.

                 (Operational / Commercial DD Related)
                     ➢  Assessment of operating results.

                 (Environment  DD Related)
                     ➢  Assessment on Environment Related Policies
                 (Personnel DD Related)
                     ➢  Assessment of Management Structure.
                 (Financial DD Related)
                     ➢  Assessment  of  valuation  of  assets  including  comments  on  properties,  terms  of  leases,  lien  and
                        encumbrances including status of charges, liens, mortgages, assets and properties of the company.
                     ➢  Assessment of financial liabilities with special emphasis on Interlocking investments and financial
                        obligations with group/associates’ companies, amounts receivables subject to litigation, any other
                        likely liability which is not provided for in the books of account.
                     ➢  Assessment of net worth.
                 (TAX DD Related)
                     ➢  Assessment of taxation and statutory liabilities.
                 (IT DD Related)
                     ➢  Assessment of Information Technology
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