Page 337 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 337

QNO    Embezzlement of Cash- Areas  Old Course- (N07E, M09R, M12M,M16M, PM17, N17M, SM17, N18M SM21)
          633.000 TITANIUM CNO – INTG.140                                                  New Course-- (SM23)
                 In a company, it is suspected that there has been embezzlement in cash receipts. The company appoints

                 you as an investigator. What are the areas you would verify?
          Answer     ➢  Cash Receipts:-

                            •  Showing a larger cash discount than actually allowed.
                            •  Issuing a receipt to the payee for the full amount collected and entering only a part of the
                                amount on the counterfoil.
                            •  Adjusting a fictitious credit in the account of a customer for the value of goods returned.
                            •  Adjusting a cash sale as a credit sale and raising a debit in the account of the customer.
                            •  Writing off a good debt as bad and irrecoverable to cover up the amount collected.
                            •  Short  debiting the customer’s  account  in  the  ledger with  an  intention  to withdraw  the
                                difference when the full amount payable.
                            •  Under-casting the receipts side of the Cash Book.
                            •  Over-casting the payment side Cash Book.

          QNO     Fraud (Supplier Ledger)                      Old Course- (N08E, M11E, N16M, PM17, N19E, SM21)
          635.000  TITANIUM CNO – INTG.140                                                 New Course-- (SM23)
                  Write a short note on Frauds through supplier ledger.
                  In a Public Limited Company, it is suspected by the Management that there has been embezzlement in
                  supplier's ledger. As an auditor of the Company, you have been asked to investigate the matter. What
                  are the major areas that you would verify in this regard?
          Answer      ➢  Supplier Ledger: -
                             •  Suppressing  the  Credit  Notes  issued  by  suppliers  and  withdrawing  the  corresponding

                                 amounts not claimed by them.
                             •  Accepting purchase invoices at prices considerably higher than their market prices and
                                 collecting the excess amount, paid in cash, from the suppliers.
                             •  Adjusting  fictitious or duplicate invoices as purchases in the accounts of suppliers and
                                 subsequently misappropriating the amounts when payments are made to the suppliers in
                                 respect of these invoices.
                             •  Withdrawing amounts unclaimed by suppliers, for one reason or another by showing that
                                 the same have been paid to them.
                             •  The  auditor  should  verify  the  bought  journal  with  reference  to  entries  in  the  Goods
                                 Inward  Book  and  the  suppliers’  invoices  to  confirm  that  amounts  credited  to  the
                                 accounts  of  suppliers  were  in  respect  of  goods,  which  were  duly  received,  and  the
                                 suppliers’ accounts had been credited correctly.
                             •  The auditor should request all the suppliers to furnish statements of their accounts to
                                 see whether or not any balance is outstanding or due so as to confirm that allowances
                                 and rebates given by them have been correctly adjusted.

          QNO     Investigate Frauds of Inventory defalcation            Old Course- (M19R, N19M N19E, SM21)
          637.010  TITANIUM CNO – INTG.140                                                New Course-- (SM23)
                  Mr Sharma is reviewing the anti-fraud controls for a construction company. The company has witnessed
                  a  few  frauds  in  the  past  mainly  in  the  nature  of  material  stolen  from  the  sites  and  fake  expense

                  Mr. Sharma is evaluating options for verifying the process to reveal fraud and the corrective action to be
                  taken in such cases. As an expert, you are required to brief Mr. Sharma about the inventory fraud and
                  verification procedure with respect to defalcation of inventory?
          Answer      ➢  Inventory  frauds-  Inventory  frauds  are  many  and  varied  but  here  we  are  concerned  with

                         misappropriation of goods and their concealment.

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