Page 334 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 334

(Conclusion Related)
                     ➢  Suggestions  on  various  aspects  to  be  taken  care  of  before  and  after  the  proposed  merger  /
                     ➢  Finally, an executive summary may be prepared highlighting the significant areas.

                                                                                         New Course – (SM23)
          QNO    SWOT Analysis
          628.500 TITANIUM CNO -- Unique

                 CA. Y is employed with a leading private sector BDFP Bank posted in NOIDA branch. One of the existing
                 borrowers  has  approached  branch  with  a  proposal  to  sanction  fresh  term  loan  of  ₹  5  crore  with
                 commensurate  increase  in  working  capital  credit  facilities  relating  to  expansion  of  its  garment
                 manufacturing unit. While performing due diligence, he notices that company was formed just two years
                 ago and had availed term loan of ₹ 10 crore and cash credit facilities of ₹ 5 crore respectively. Its sales
                 have increased from ₹ 25 crores in first year to ₹ 45 crores in year just ended. It is generating cash profits
                 and is timely servicing its debts.

                 The borrower was earlier catering to domestic market. However, now it is in process of procuring export
                 orders and working assiduously in this regard. The expansion plans are in line with development in area

                 of marketing relating to exports.

                 However,  there  are  a  large  number  of  units  catering  to  domestic  and  export  market  of  garments  in
                 NOIDA, Delhi and surrounding areas. There is also demand slump in biggest US market.

                 Besides, the unit is family-based and relies upon marketing skills of its main promoter. There is lack of
                 well-paid qualified staff with the borrower to deal effectively with its customers both domestic as well as

                 He  starts  jotting  down  and  elaborating  above  points.  Identify  what  he  is  trying  to  do  as  part  of  due
          Answer  SWOT Analysis: As part of due diligence exercise, he is performing SWOT analysis of borrower. He is making
                 analysis of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats (SWOT) pertaining to borrower.
                 Strengths: Features such as rise in sales, generation of cash profits and timely service of debts represent
                 borrower strengths.
                 Weakness: Lack of well-paid qualified staff to deal effectively with its domestic and foreign customers is an
                 area of weakness.
                 Opportunities: Entering into export market presents opportunity for borrower.
                 Threats: Presence of large number of competitors and demand slump in US market reflect threats.

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