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P. 335

Part 2- Investigation

          QNO    Investigation (Incoming Partner)   Old Course-- (N10R, M14R, SM17, PM17, M18M, SM21, M20M, M23M)
          625.000 TITANIUM CNO – INTG.100                                                  New Course-- (SM23)
                 What are the important steps involved while conducting Investigation on behalf of an Incoming Partner?
                 Dalal, Banerji and Mallick are partners in a firm sharing profits and losses in the ratio 2:2:1. The partners

                 have agreed to take Mr. Mistri as a partner with effect from 1st April 2018 as 1/4th partner.
                 What  are  the  important  steps  involved  while  conducting  investigation  on  behalf  of  Mr.  Mistri,  the
                 incoming partner?
          Answer     ➢  Purpose: -
                            •  To know whether the terms offered to him are reasonable having regard to the nature of

                                the  business,  profit  records,  capital  distribution,  personal  capability  of  the  existing
                                partners, socio-economic setting, etc.
                            •  To  ascertain  whether  the  capital  to  be  contributed  by  him  would  be  safe  and  applied
                     ➢  Areas to be covered: -
                            •  Reasons & History
                                o  Ascertain reasons for the offer of admission to a new partner should be ascertained
                                   and it should be determined whether the same synchronizes with the retirement of
                                   any senior partner whose association may have had considerable bearing on the firm’s
                                o  Ascertainment of the history of the firm, since inception and growth of the firm.

                            •  Present Situation & Partnership Deed
                                o  Study the composition and quality of key personnel employed by the firm and any
                                   likelihood of their leaving the organization.
                                o  Assess  position  of  orders  at  hand  and  the  range  and quality  of  clientele  should  be
                                   thoroughly examined, which the firm is presently operating.
                                o  Studies of the provisions of the Deed of partnership, particularly for composition of
                                   partners, their capital contribution, drawing rights, retirement benefits, job allocation,
                                   financial management, goodwill, etc.
                                o  Examine  whether  any  special  clause  exists  in  the  deed  of  partnership  to  allow
                                   admission in future of a new partner, who may be specified, on concessional terms.

                            •  Financial Statement Analysis

                                o  Appraisal of the record of capital employed and the rate of return. It is necessary to
                                   have a comparison with alternative business avenues for investments.
                                o  Ascertain manner of computation of goodwill on admission as also on retirement, if
                                o  Scrutinize terms of loan finance to assess its usefulness and implication for the overall
                                   financial position.
                                o  Examine  whether  the  incomplete  contracts  which  will  be  transferred  to  the
                                   reconstituted firm will be a liability or a loss.
                                o  Scrutiny of the record of profitability of the firm’s business over a suitable number of
                                o  Examination of the asset and liability position to determine the tangible asset backing
                                   for the partner’s investment, appraisal of the value of intangibles like goodwill, know
                                   how,  patents,  etc.  impending  liabilities  including  contingent  liabilities  and  those  for
                                   pending tax assessment.

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