Page 338 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 338

•  Employees may simply remove goods from the premises.
                             •  Theft of goods may be concealed by writing them off as damaged goods, etc.
                             •  Inventory records may be manipulated by employees who have committed theft so that
                                 book quantities tally with the actual quantities of inventories in hand.

                      ➢  Verification Procedure for Defalcation of inventory- It may be of trading stock, raw materials,
                         manufacturing stores, tools or of other similar items (readily) capable of conversion into cash. The
                         loss may be the result of a theft by an employee once or repeatedly over a long period, when the
                         same have not been detected. Such thefts usually are possible through collusion among a number
                         of persons. Therefore, for their detection, the entire system of receipts, storage and despatch of
                         all goods, etc. should be reviewed to localise the weakness in the system.
                         The determination of factors which have been responsible for the theft and the establishment of
                         guilt would be difficult in the absence of:
                             •  a  system  of  inventory  control,  and  existence  of  detailed  record  of  the  movement  of
                                 inventory, or
                             •  availability of sufficient data from which such a record can be constructed.

                         The step in such an investigation is to establish the different items of inventory defalcated and
                         their quantities by checking physically the quantities in inventory held and those shown by the
                         Inventory Book.
                         Defalcations of inventory, sometimes, also are committed by the management, by diverting a part
                         of  production  and  the  consequent  shortages  in  production  being  adjusted  by  inflating  the
                         wastage in production; similar defalcations of inventories and stores are covered up by inflating
                         quantities  issued  for  production.  For  detecting  such  shortages,  the  investigating  accountant
                         should take assistance of an engineer. For that he will be more conversant with factors which are
                         responsible for shortage in production and thus will be able to correctly determine the extent to
                         which the shortage in production has been inflated.

                         In this regard, guidance can also be taken from past records showing the extent of wastage in
                         production in the past. Similarly, he would be able to better judge whether the material issued for
                         production was excessive and, if so to what extent.

                         The  per  hour  capacity  of  the  machine  and  the  time  that  it  took  to  complete  one  cycle  of
                         production, also would show whether the issues have been larger than those required.

                  Investigation (Future Maintainable Turnover)-    Old Course- (M13E, M16M, PM17, SM17, M18M,
          QNO     TITANIUM CNO – INTG.080                                                  M19M, SM21, N22E)
                                                                                           New Course-- (SM23)
                  H Ltd. is interested in acquiring S Ltd. The valuation of S Ltd. is dependent on future maintainable sales.
                  As  the  person  entrusted  to  value  S  Ltd.,  what  factors  would  you  consider  in  assessing  the  future
                  maintainable sales?
          Answer      ➢  Factors to be considered in Assessing Future Maintainable Sales:
                         In assessing the sales which the business would be able to maintain in the future, the following

                         factors should be taken into account-

                          •  Trend:  Whether  in  the  past,  sales  have  been  increasing  consistently  or  they  have  been
                             fluctuating. A proper study of this phenomenon should be made.

                          •  Political and economic considerations: Are the policies pursued by the Government likely to
                             promote the extension of the market for goods to other countries? Whether the sales in the
                             home  market  are  likely  to  increase  or  decrease  as  a  result  of  various  emerging  economic

                          •  Competition: What is the likely effect on the business if other manufacturers enter the same
                             field or if products which would sell in competition are placed on the market at cheaper price?
                             Is the demand for competing products increasing? Is the company’s share in the total trade
                             constant or has it been fluctuating?

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