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P. 336

QNO     Audit Vs Investigation           Old Course- (N04E, N10R, N12M, PM17, M17R, N18E, N19R, SM21)
          632.000  TITANIUM CNO – INTG.020                                                 New Course-- (SM23)
                  General objective of an audit is to find out whether the financial statements show true and fair view. On
                  the  other  hand,  investigation  implies  systematic,  critical  and  special  examination  of  the  records  of  a

                  business  for  a  specific  purpose.  In  view  of  the  above,  you  are  required  to  brief  out  the  difference
                  between Audit and Investigation.
          Answer      ➢  Auditing
                         It involves examination of financial information contained in financial statements to  express an

                         opinion  whether  or  not  the  same  have  been  prepared  properly.  In  essence,  auditing  involves
                         independent examination of financial information prepared by the management of an entity.

                      ➢  Investigation: -
                          •  It  implies  systematic,  critical  and  special  examination  of  the  records  of  a  business  for  a
                              specific purpose.
                          •  The examination conducted under investigation is intensive as well as exhaustive so far as
                              the activities or areas of accounting is concerned. Investigation requires a concentrated focus
                              on the subject matter of inquiry and related matters.

                   Basis                             INVESTIGATION                         AUDIT
                       ➢  Objective       It  aims  at  establishing  a  fact  or  a  To  verify  whether  the  financial
                                          happening  or  at  assessing  a  particular  statements  display  a  true  and
                                          situation                             fair  view  of  the  state  of  affairs
                                                                                and  the  working  results  of  an
                       ➢  Legal           Voluntary, in some companies it may be  Mandatory for Companies.
                          Requirement     ordered as per LAW                     For others, it is voluntary
                       ➢  Who  performs  Any person, who may not be a Chartered  A  Chartered  Accountant  within
                          / Conducted by  Accountant.                           the  meaning  of  the  Chartered
                                                                                Accountants Act 1949.
                       ➢  Scope           The  scope  of  investigation  may  be  The scope of audit is wide and in
                                          governed  by  statute  OR  it may  be  non-  case of statutory audit the scope
                                          statutory.                            of  work  is  determined  by  the
                                                                                provisions of relevant law.
                       ➢  Time     Frame  The  work  is  not  limited  by  rigid  time  The  audit  is  carried  on  either
                          (Period         frame. It may cover several years, as the  quarterly, half-yearly or yearly.
                          Covered)        outcome of the same is not certain
                       ➢  Nature      of  Requires a detailed study and         Involves tests checking or sample
                          activities      examination of facts and figures      technique  to  draw  evidences  for
                          performed                                             forming   a   judgement   and
                                                                                expression of opinion
                       ➢  Application  of  It  is  analytical  in  nature  and  requires  a  Is  governed  by  compliance  with
                          accounting      thorough  mind,  capable  of  observing,  generally  accepted  accounting
                          principles      collecting  and  evaluating  facts.    There  principles,  audit  procedures  and
                                          may  not  be  any  focus  on  accounting  disclosure requirements.
                                          principles and disclosures.
                       ➢  Evidence        It seeks conclusive evidence          Audit  is  mainly  concerned  with
                                                                                prima- facie evidence (Persuasive
                       ➢  Reporting       The outcome is reported to the person(s)  The  outcome  is  reported  to  the
                                          on whose  behalf investigation is carried  owners  of  the  business  Entity.
                                          out. (No particular format)           (Format is generally fixed)
                       ➢  Inherent        No  inherent  limitation  owing  to  its  Audit  suffers  from  inherent
                          Limitations     nature of engagement.                 Limitation.

                       ➢  Pre-Condition   Its essence lies in going into the matter  Audit  is  not  based  on  suspicion
                                          with  some  pre-conceived  notion  suited  unless  circumstances  exist  to
                                          to the objective                      arouse suspicion

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