Page 339 - CA Final PARAM Digital Book.
P. 339

                          •  Marketability: Is it possible to extend the sales into new markets or that these have been
                             fully exploited? Product wise estimation should be made.

          QNO     Investigation (Sec 210)                                 Old Course- (M15R, PM17, N18R, N18M)
          641.000  TITANIUM CNO – INTG.160
                  What will be your approach in investigation under Section 210 and 213 into the affairs of the company

                  registered under Companies Act, 2013?

          Answer      ➢  Approach in investigation under section 210 and 213 into the affairs of the Companies:
                         The general approach for investigation under Sections 210 and 213 of the Companies Act, 2013 is

                         conditioned by the legal requirements in these regards. The affairs of the company may include
                         everything  such  as  goodwill,  profit  and  loss,  contracts,  investments,  assets,  shareholding  in
                         subsidiaries, decision making, etc. Also, the specific circumstances mentioned in these sections like
                         fraud, mismanagement, oppression of any shareholder etc. come within the term “affairs of the

                         Investigation under Sections 210 and 213 do not call for any special approach. Approach/Steps for
                         pursuing the investigation are:
                          •  Clarity of Terms of Reference:
                              The  approach  to  any  investigation  is  determined  on  a  consideration  of  the  nature  of  the
                              investigation  and  the  terms  of  reference.  However,  the  inspector  should  ensure  that  the
                              terms of reference are clear, unambiguous and in writing. If he has any doubt about any item
                              in the terms, he should obtain clarification in writing. It should also be, seen that the terms of
                              reference  are  not  too  general,  because  that  may  frustrate  the  whole  objective  of  the
                              investigation;  the  scope  of  the  investigation  will  become  unwieldy  and  ill  defined.  An
                              investigation order to investigate into the affairs of the company would be an instance at
                              point.  Therefore,  the  inspector  should  ask for reframing  of  the  order  specifying the exact
                              matters  to  be  investigated.  He  should  also  take  into  consideration  the  possible  effect  of
                              limitations, if any, put in the terms of reference and should keep the Central Government
                              informed in writing about their effect on the investigation.

                          •  Scope of Investigation:
                              The next point for consideration of the inspector would be the determination of the scope of
                              the investigation on the basis of the terms of reference. At this stage, it may be useful for the
                              inspector to go into the history of  the  company and its affiliates or associates. He  should
                              evaluate the terms of reference in sketching the scope of investigation; this will enable him to
                              locate  the  limitation,  if  any,  in  the  terms  of  reference,  not  clearly  mentioned.  For  a
                              purposeful investigation, he may need to stretch his inquiry into the books and records of
                              allied and associated persons and concerns and may require to arm himself with the powers
                              given under the Companies Act.
                          •  Period for investigation:
                              He should also have regard to the period over which the investigation should stretch. The
                              evaluation  of  terms  of  reference  and  the  consequential  determination  of  the  scope  of
                              investigation are the twin props on which the entire investigation would rest and, therefore,
                              the  inspector  appointed  under  Sections  210  and  213  should  devote  careful  attention  to

                          •  Framing of Programme:
                              The next step is the investigator/inspector should frame his programme for investigation in a
                              systematic manner. He should keep adequate working notes and papers with references and
                              cross references in a proper and methodical way to aid him in the preparation of the report.
                              The  actual  process  of  investigation  would  be  essentially  an  evidence  gathering  procedure
                              and,  at  every  step,  he  should  have  regard  to  the  procedures  laid  down  in  these  sections
                              regarding  production  of  documents  and  evidence,  examination  on  oath  and  seizure  of
                              documents. He should also keep his mind open to the revelations he comes across in the
                              process of  evidence  collection and should assess whether the programme  of investigation
                              needs amendment or modification.
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