Page 294 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 294

CA Ravi Taori
                 credit rating agency. Obtain a copy of the credit rating assigned to NBFC and check whether the public
                 deposits accepted/held by it are in accordance with the level of credit rating assigned to it. In the event
                 of a downgrading of credit rating, the auditor should bear in mind that the NBFC will have to reduce
                 its public deposits in accordance with the revised credit rating assigned to it within a specified time
                 Written Applications for Deposits
                 Ascertain  whether  the  NBFC  has  accepted  or  renewed  any  public  deposit  only  after  a  written
                 application  form  the  depositor  in  the  form  to  be  supplied  by  the  company  and  shall  contain  all
                 particulars  specified  in  the  Non-Banking  Financial  Companies  and  Miscellaneous  Non-Banking
                 Companies (Advertisement) Rules, 1977.3
                 Deposit Register
                 Verify the deposit register maintained by a NBFC and test check the particulars that have been entered
                 therein  in  respect  of  each  depositor  with  supporting  receipts  issued  to  the  depositors.  Also,  check
                 whether the NBFC is regularly paying its deposits on due dates and in the case of a delay/default, the
                 reasons for the delay/default and the actual date of payment.4
                 Liquid Investments
                 Check whether the investments made in approved liquid assets by a NBFC holding public deposits
                 have  been  lodged  in safe  custody  with  a  designated  scheduled  commercial  bank  as  required  by  the
                 NBFC Public Deposit Directions. Obtain a certificate from the bank to that effect.5
                 Interest Calculations
                 Test checks the interest calculations in respect of public deposits mobilised by a NBFC to ascertain that
                 the  NBFC  has  not  paid  interest  in  excess  as  per  specification.  Likewise,  test  check  the  brokerage
                 calculations with the bills and vouchers for reimbursement of out of pocket expenses submitted by a
                 broker  to  ascertain  that  the  NBFC  has  not  paid  brokerage  in  excess  by  way  of  reimbursement  of
                 expenses to brokers.6
                 Filling of Annual Return
                 Check whether the NBFC has filed its annual return as specified in the First Schedule before the 30th
                 June with reference to its position as on the 31st March of each year.7
                 Submission of Accounts / Audit Report / Directors Report
                 In  the  case  of  NBFCs  accepting/holding  public  deposits  ascertain  whether  audited  statement  of
                 accounts together with a copy of the auditor’s report and director’s report thereon have been submitted
                 within prescribed time limit from the date of holding the Annual general meeting.8
         NBFC Prudential Norms Directions
                 The auditor has to verify the compliance of prudential norms relating to
                 •  Policy Formation

                     The auditor shall ensure that Board of the NBFC shall frame a policy for granting demand/call
                     loans and implement the same.
                 •  At the time of giving advances / investment
                      o  Prohibition on loans and investments for failure to repay public deposits and
                      o  Prohibition of granting loans against its own shares;

                      o  Norms for concentration of credit etc.
                         In case of Investment Company, NBFC Prudential Norms stipulates that NBFCs should
                         not lend more than 15% of its owned funds to any single borrower and not more than
                         25% to any single group of borrowers. The ceiling on investments in shares by a NBFC in

                         a single entity and the aggregate of investments in a single group of entities has been fixed
                         at 15% and 25% respectively. Moreover, a composite limit of credit to and investments in a
                         single entity/group of entities has been fixed at 25% and 40% respectively of the owned
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