Page 295 - CA Final Audit Titanium Full Book. (With Cover Pages)
P. 295

CA Ravi Taori
                         fund of the concerned NBFC. Verify that the credit facilities extended, and investments
                         made by the concerned NBFC are in accordance with the prescribed ceiling.
                 •  After the giving advances / investment
                      o  Income recognition (Advances);

                         Auditor should ensure that unrealized income from non-performing assets has not been
                         taken to Statement of Profit and Loss.
                      o  Income from investments;
                         NBFC prudential norms directions require dividend income on shares of companies and

                         units of mutual funds to be recognized on cash basis.
                      o  Asset classification
                           -  The  auditor  should  verify  the  classification  of  advances  and  loans  as  standard/
                               substandard/doubtful/loss and that proper provision has been made in accordance
                               with the directions.

                           -  The auditor should check all NPAs of the previous years to verify whether during
                               the current year any payments have been received or still they continue to be NPA
                               during the current year also.

                      o  Provision for bad and doubtful debts;
                      o  Capital adequacy norm;
                      o  Investment Valuation
                         Check whether the investments have been valued in accordance with the NBFC Prudential
                         Norms Directions and adequate provision for fall in the market value of securities, wherever
                         applicable, have been made there against, as required by the Directions.
         Core Investment Company
         Board Resolution regarding Investment
         In the case of Group Holding Investment Companies, check whether the NBFC has passed a board resolution
         to the  effect  that  the  company  has  invested  or would invest/hold  its  investments in share  and  securities  of
         group companies specifying the names of the companies. In addition to the above, group holding investment
         companies are required to give a further undertaking that it would not trade in such shares/securities and that
         it has neither accepted, nor would it accept any public deposits during the year.

         Classification of Frauds by NBFC (RBI Circular July 2015)
         In order to have uniformity in reporting, frauds have been classified as under based mainly on the provisions
         of the Indian Penal Code:
             (a)  Misappropriation and criminal breach of trust.
             (b) Negligence and cash shortages.
             (c)  Fraudulent  encashment  through  forged  instruments,  manipulation  of  books  of  account  or  through
                 fictitious accounts and conversion of property.
             (d) Unauthorized credit facilities extended for reward or for illegal gratification.
             (e)  Cheating and forgery.
             (f)  Irregularities in foreign exchange transactions.
             (g)  Any other type of fraud not coming under the specific heads as above.

         Cases of ‘negligence and cash shortages’ and ‘irregularities in foreign exchange transactions’ referred to in items
         (b) and (f) above are to be reported as fraud if the intention to cheat/ defraud is suspected/ proved.
         However, the following cases where fraudulent intention is not suspected/ proved, at the time of detection, will
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